Netanyahu Constant Crying

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What's the deal with that? Constantly speaking about how Iran will get a nuclear bomb. Even if they got one, how would they be able to use it without causing a chain reaction and their own demise? Do you think, it's good idea Iran has a nuke? this would provide a check on Israel on one capability it has over the region, but then again I don't think it's a capability anymore because most nations are linked some way or another with a nuke nation, so if you mess with them, you messing with the nuke nation also.

If Iran didn't rise up with the ayatollah, you know how bad it would be with a mid-east just run by Saudis? they would get over the top with themselves and think they got the edge and would start holding so many western nations by the balls, now with iran there, their worrying which is good when a man worries, he is negotiable. It's just when he aint got no worries he becomes a prick cause he has an edge he thinks.

So is Iran good for Israel? keeps the region in a better check n balance and ensure they don't get to big for their shoes, wink wink America advantage it can use on Israel to tow the line and not get carried away!!! I suspect America allowed the ayatollah to rise, it showed no inkling of defending it's puppet the shah and the irony of it all is the revolution occurred 4 years after the oil embargo done by saudis Did America want it to happen the Iran rising fearing saudis were getting to cocky as the sole boss of the region!!!!
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