Nat Geo uncovered more in Tut's Tomb

King Khufu

Dignified Gentlemen
Read This Article Here

It makes much sense!
To think that everything in the past was uncovered is only surfaces to what is meant to be kept in the tombs.
There will always be more to be I store what carts up is priceless facts and jewels gemming diamonds from our connection now into history.

It's important that these places be discovered and excavated from authentic scientist (say no to well funded looters who thrivance revolves in treacherous thievery for gains)

So with that being said, it's well worth the read to bring our connection into this.
Uplift yourself having fun exploring pieces of our past now.

Doesn't it amaze you that the reactions my words give you on topic a sense of unbelievable wonder?

It truly should because I was never bullshitting because Nat Geo alone is not the ultimate authoritative all be for information as they do have their own faulty biases which have been called out but it's still much fun when new discoveries are found with new speculations giving deeper insight to these ancestors of ours that had onced lived.

It's a wobbly more fun time if you breath it in slow. Take Easy Care Now


Tut's tomb is only special because it was one of the few who weren't plundered. All the bigger and better tombs were plundered.

