My uncle got the covid 19 vaccine

It’s highly unadvisable to take vaccinations at this stage, as they may cause serious reactions to ones body of they’re not prepared for it.

You might as well wait until the number of cases drop to mere double digits. Imo, it’s far more sensible to do so.

Al Muslim

الموت لامريكا الموت لإسرائيل
Stay away from anything pfizer produces, these people are evil and do not care about your health.

In nigeria they used children to test a drug which ended up killing dozens and inflicting damage on others.

Then these lowlife scum denied it was their fault and tried to avoid paying the families compensation.
So far nothings gone wrong, he seems fine and says nothing out of the ordinary has happened. I think this whole vaccine conspiracy has been blown out of proportion.

In my opinion the elderly and the vulnerable should be vaccinated as soon as possible. The rest of us should not fear this vaccine nor should we succumb to silly conspiracy theories about the vaccine.

I hope your uncle is fine insha allah, however people taking the vaccine and not dropping dead the next day is no indication to say everything is well. It takes years for the adverse reactions to show by then people have forgotten about the vaccine and blame it on something else. Keep an eye on your uncle for any possible decline.

Obviously I do recommend vaccine for the elderly or anyone with compromised immunity since covid is deadly but if your healthy there really is no need.
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My grandmother got it. Nothing happened. If the vaccine doesn't suit a person the reaction takes place there and then. Too many conspiracy nuts are scaring the elders in our community. You even got habaryars with disabled kids that don't want to vaccinate them because of some whatsapp conspiracies.

:kanyehmm: :mindblown:

You see that's the thing it's not WhatsApp conspiracy theories it's real doctors scientists across the world saying RNA vaccines have never been used and are risky to your immune system, there has been research on mice and guess what they all developed compromised immunity. Have you looked at those papers or research or are you willing to just follow the mainstream media like sheep.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
My friend's elderly father got both doses in January and February he's in his 80s, and he's doing rather fine, he actually went to Galkacayo last week and still doesn't have any side effects. Alxamdullillah.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I'm happy to see far more Somalis in the UK accepting the vaccine finally! Somalis suffered pretty bad with COVID in the west so it's good to finally see.

