My uncle fought Eritreans but


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
hot take: there isn't much of a difference physically between the various womens of the horn (somalia, ethiopia, eritrea, etc).
Yeah that's the reason I like other Horners. Physically they look somali whilst having a different yet somewhat similar culture which is kinda cool
hot take: there isn't much of a difference physically between the various womens of the horn (somalia, ethiopia, eritrea, etc).
I disagree theirs a huge difference physically between ahmaras, Tigray, Eritreans physically from Somalis & Oromos. & I’ve lived around alot of people from theses ethnicities.


Garaadka Guud ee Beesha Calaamka
Eritrean women look much better than the Ethiopian ones even though they’re the same thing really. Why?
I disagree theirs a huge difference physically between ahmaras, Tigray, Eritreans physically from Somalis & Oromos. & I’ve lived around alot of people from theses ethnicities.

I've lived among them too, and the differences aren't that big. I'd be bold enough to say the similarities are greater than the differences. The natural diversity you find anywhere, is there, yes indeed, but there are common traits-prominent foreheads, usually thinner lips, aquiline noses for the most part but there is some wider noses at times, etc.
Eritrean women look much better than the Ethiopian ones even though they’re the same thing really. Why?

You're talking about the individual women you've seen though, not in general, since Ethiopia is over 20 times the size of eritrea, so ''ethiopian'' could be amara, oromo, tigrayan, gurage, etc.
hot take: there isn't much of a difference physically between the various womens of the horn (somalia, ethiopia, eritrea, etc).

I’d go further and dividing into Semitic and Cushitic, as I can’t relate to your blank statement.

The former being Habeshas (Amharas, Tigrayans, Tigrinyas etc) and the later bring Somalis, Afar, Oromos (depending on region) etc.

I personally have little physical similarity with Amharas for example, but can pass as an Oromo (those my family live with look very close to Somalis)
I’d go further and dividing into Semitic and Cushitic, as I can’t relate to your blank statement.

The former being Habeshas (Amharas, Tigrayans, Tigrinyas etc) and the later bring Somalis, Afar, Oromos (depending on region) etc.

I personally have little physical similarity with Amharas for example, but can pass as an Oromo (those my family live with look very close to Somalis)

Hmm. Perhaps you have a point, sir, but the differences aren't that great, let's be honest here.
I too have been mistaken for being somali countless times, even by white people, even had a habesha dude tell me he didn't believe I was ethiopian, he believed I'm Somali. random somali people approach me at the mosque speaking afaan somali lol.


The years don't matter, the life in those years do
Hmm. Perhaps you have a point, sir, but the differences aren't that great, let's be honest here.
I too have been mistaken for being somali countless times, even by white people, even had a habesha dude tell me he didn't believe I was ethiopian, he believed I'm Somali. random somali people approach me at the mosque speaking afaan somali lol.
He grouped Somalis, Afar, and Oromos. He's saying we look different from Habeshas.

Edit: I bet you hate that, it's annoying.
Hmm. Perhaps you have a point, sir, but the differences aren't that great, let's be honest here.
I too have been mistaken for being somali countless times, even by white people, even had a habesha dude tell me he didn't believe I was ethiopian, he believed I'm Somali. random somali people approach me at the mosque speaking afaan somali lol.

Actually, it depends. If we talk general physical appearance such as skin-tone, hair texture etc., then *maybe*, since Somalis like other horners are diverse within their own kin.

But as far as passing as other ethnic groups, then my point above still stands. I'd never be able to pass as Amharas, since they look mostly similar to other Habeshas.

But Oromos and Afars, do in fact happen. There aren't many of them where I live, but I've experienced it in Ethiopia quite frequently. Especially the former. Too bad I only have limited knowledge of Afaan Oromo, and need my parents or other relatives to help me pass by. :patrice:
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