My new art piece: Xalimo Baby Metal Gothic Lolita

This Gothic Lolita art piece is a combination of Traditional Xalimo attire, Baby Metal, and a little of Victorian aesthetic .
Aren't you scared of posting pictures? Lots of awful takes are posted here lol.
No, I’m broke and have a 40000 dollars of student loan debt. I don’t how posting pictures here is worse than Facebook. In fact, it’s actually safer because employers aren’t going to search Somaliaspot to check my profile......
I also have eczema what medication do you use?
I use antihistamines and topical antiseptic creams. I use Gold Bond sometimes, too. Did you that roaches trigger eczema outbreaks? One of my exes had them and I broke out horribly. My eczema is triggered by allergies and weather changes
Good point.

Damn, America really sets the younger generations up for failure. Do you feel like you got a good ROI, or is there something you'd do differently looking back?
Going to college was the worst financial decision I’ve ever made and only did it due to peer pressure. Both of my parents really, really, really pushed the idea for different reasons. My career interests didn’t require a degree and art school is a waste of time.
Clearly you are mentally unstable :sass1:
And I can go through all of Indiana and Gold Coast with no problems. Cops love me. A basic normie like you can’t comprehend anything that’s outside of the mainstream. Shame. I bet you only watched Marvel cinematic universe movies and believes Spider Man always could use his web shooters organically.


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