My Grand Vision For United Africa


The procedure of knowledge has been 'cracked' your just going into shit fest of slow advancement because european world sits on a very low base of language and sophistication, it will take them 200 years for simple addition as they can only work with what was inherited from egypt, so they found out to increase their knowledge they need languages and that's why their on the hunt so it can be cracked and they pick up new concepts they didn't know, and they want africa the most as it's language treasure trove meaning new 'concepts' they will steal, look at how many inventions they stole of black americans and patented it. Sxb the rule is the base of knowledge is black and the people who add/refine it is 'white/asian' not the 'base' or else we will be here 1 million years for what could've been done in 200 years by black people as we have 'dream' type of people niyahow like MLK who had a dream while ppl laffed and he saw it thru today their not laughing. Blacks are big imagintion ppl, we need procedural people to convert that into 'technical specification' without dream or vision you just reading a book and adding nothing and thats not learning thats slave itself


Everything starts with a dream n vision, then u read knowledge and connected your dream to it and see what technical elements of the earth can see it thru. U need numbers as base so u can calculate/measure your dream, u need tools for carving shapes that u see in the environment as a cue of how many shapes and designs can be done of beauty which u use maths to make it 'precise', then u need end product and review and u start with 'dream' again u refer to the language and concepts behind it as 'starter' as that will tell u what 'words' exist that doesn't exist in other languages and that's 'gold' if a word exists in your language that doesn't exist in someone elses, it means u added knowledge they didn't have and this is what 'u trade' as they lack it and is 'rare' in their culture due to their language being unsophisticated due to constant wars possibly

Stay as far away from 'international languages' as that is 'polluted' with only book knowledge and nothing new will develop from that as all the hordes will read it and develop nothing unless they 'dream' which is rare since reading is acquiring knowledge and 'dreams' are what convert it to 'product' without the dream part your mind is 'slave' technically to 'man book' and that is dangerous shit bro
I would encourage United north africans cuz of the shared religion, culture and to some extent phenotypical features but hell no to share anything with the lowkey southern bantu pagans.

Recon Expert

cranking 90s 🥶
It would be nice but Africa is much bigger than Europe or America and has a strong diversity of economies and people/culture.

The East African Community looks much more interesting and realistic than a united Africa.
We need to discuss an 'emirates' for desert boys no matter what and common hamitic 'pact' that unifies our local traditions or harmonizes it since it's very similar to 'cano' or 'peace' element and 'blood' element of life or death or a mix of it. South sudan needs an emirate status or christian emirate, beja emirate, north sudan under their own arab 'identity' since they lost their nubian language and culture like 'langaab' similar to canaan in levant kkkkk. They broke the nubian front as you can see the massive cultural change is now linked to persian arab culture which is 'semetic traditions' of attrition which they will join for 'no ultimate outcome' other then 'death'.
You're ignorant. They still speak Nubian in Northern Sudan but Arabic is the business language and it's the same in Eastern Sudan; Beja is their tribal languages but in business and educational centers they speak Arabic. South Sudan will always be a shit hole exploited by the North+East. Even in 2020 their dream is to work on a farm for a rich northerner and only get paid with food and $30 a month. Even their oil is sold via ports in the North (they decided to use it instead of Kenya).