My girl is pregnant and she not Somali or Muslim.

They’re not held accountable as men are. Even in r-word cases, the women doesn’t get justice in a lot of patriarchal societies. Somaliland only changed its laws in 2018 about how all a man has to do is marry his victim.

Depending on how much double standards a society has, men are hardly punished for any sexual misconduct, it’s the women. In Arab and Asian countries sometimes the women themselves are killed for being abused. There are enough cases studies for this.

How can you say this when even in todays modern world, many cultures just slap boys on the sexually abusing a girl? Do you remember the case that happened wiht the little 12 yr old in PL Somalia? She was r-worded and cut up by her own clansmen. Her own qabil simply wanted to let the guys free and give her family diya money! They were following Somali Xeer laws

It was through women protesting and people posting about it on social media, and people writing various articles shaming the situation did they change everything.

How can you then say men and women are treated similarly??! Under Somali Xeer laws, a man can r-word me and as long as he marries me or pays my dad off he’s free to mingle with the world and I’d be shamed on top of that!

It’s easy to say, but a walk through history and even now in some parts of the world paints a different picture.

I understand it’s always going to worse for women, but what I can’t accept as that women are loved more. We’re not even loved enough for our r&pers to be jailed properly when it comes to dhaqan.
I think you just proved my point here, in these patriarchial and even western societies do men get justice when they’re r-worded by women? In fact they tend to even get away with r-wording male minors in so many western societies. I know this is a very small minority of r-words that actually happen but women can’t even legally r-word men in the UK , one of those so called equal societies, talk about being held to no account. Even in Asian and Arab countries men are much less likely to get away with R-wording than women are. You don’t even have the foresight to see that in the same situation (r-word) if you reversed the genders everything is just generally worse for the man.

I will say however the cases where there is consensual (or perceived consensual) but forbidden (out of wedlock) fornication happening, is where the women tends to have more repercussion than the men due to the fact that women are the gatekeepers of fornication so they’re seen as more responsible, it’s also why women who have a lot of casual relationships are seen as easy while men who have them are seen are “studs”. Cause it’s harder for men to find themselves in those situations, as women control access to fornication, so they in turn are seen as more responsible in consensual situations.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Whew thank Allah. What about somalis who dont have e haplogroup?
I'm Samaroon and paternally they are wholesale T lineages. We do not nor have we ever claimed foreign origins. So you need not worry.
They can isaaq Ts assimilated ev32 isaaqs
You cannot say that with surety. I'm neutral on this matter and have no bone to pick but those guys are evenly split. You cannot say they were assimilated. You can say they are a part of a confederacy like other clans based on blood ties and common clan interests.
I’m sticking to Abtirsi I’m happy I know my lineage haplogroup are irrelevant to me
One thing I know is that haplogroup destroys many qabils around the world but are Somalis gonna care ? Nah they’re going to stick to their fairytale story.

I mean look at ashraaf in Somalia
They claim the prophet family but in reality they are Yemenis


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
All the Somalis have the same forefathers

It falls under 3

EV32 = hawiye, darood
T= dirs and isaaq
J1 = tummal and madhiban

@Shimbiris seemw the most knowledgeable on this

I'm actually not the best when it comes to the lower Y-DNA lineages. Been neglecting that side of our genetics for the last few years but intend to get back into it. Several of our brothers on here know the minutia much better than me but on the higher level like that, yes, it's pretty firmly established that about 60-70% of Somali males are E-V32 (E-Z813), maybe 15-25% are T-L208 and then 5-10% are either J-P58 or A-M13.

The first one seems to have come from around Bronze-Age Egypt or Nubia and may have come to the Horn with things like the plough, agriculture and maybe even earlier metallurgy before 1000 BCE; the second one probably came from Iron-Age Yemen likely with things like camels, metallurgy and Asiatic admixture in our bovines and caprines; finally, J-P58 lineages seem to come from centuries of trade and contact with Arabia and/or Ethiopian Highlanders whereas A-M13 is a remnant early Cushitic lineage from when our ancestors were very early on intermingling with the likes of Nilo-Saharans in Sudan.

So yes, given the dominance of E-Z813 and T-L208 like 90-95% of Somali males do indeed share the same forefathers within the last 2-3 thousand years. Many of us much more recently than that within E-Z813 and T-L208.
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لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
One thing I know is that haplogroup destroys many qabils around the world but are Somalis gonna care ? Nah they’re going to stick to their fairytale story.

I mean look at ashraaf in Somalia
They claim the prophet family but in reality they are Yemenis
You radicalised me. So somali people elders made up abtirsi is that what you are saying?
I'm Samaroon and paternally they are wholesale T lineages. We do not nor have we ever claimed foreign origins. So you need not worry.
Didn’t confirm alchemist confirm northern Somalis origin who fall under T ? Their origin isn’t the same as hawiye or darood so yes it’s foreign origin.
You cannot say that with surety. I'm neutral on this matter and have no bone to pick but those guys are evenly split. You cannot say they were assimilated. You can say they are a part of a confederacy like other clans based on blood ties and common clan interests.
Why is that ? Idk about isaaqs in Ethiopia but the ones in somaliland fall under T. So if the ones in Ethiopia are Ev32 doesn’t mean they was assimilated by T ?


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
One thing I know is that haplogroup destroys many qabils around the world but are Somalis gonna care ? Nah they’re going to stick to their fairytale story.

I mean look at ashraaf in Somalia
They claim the prophet family but in reality they are Yemenis
I mean tf you gonna do about bro is it even relevant to you anymore
I'm actually not the best when it comes to the lower Y-DNA lineages. Been neglecting that side of our genetics for the last years but intend to get back into it. Several of our brothers on here know the minutia much better than me but on the higher level like that, yes, it's pretty firmly established that about 60-70% of Somali males are E-V32 (E-Z813), maybe 15-25% are T-L208 and then 5-10% are either J-P58 or A-M13.

The first one seems to have come from around Bronze-Age Egypt or Nubia and may have come to the Horn with things like the plough, agriculture and maybe even earlier metallurgy before 1000 BCE; the second one probably came from Iron-Age Yemen likely with things like camels, metallurgy and Asiatic admixture in our bovines and caprines; finally, J-P58 lineages seem to come from centuries of trade and contact with Arabia and/or Ethiopian Highlanders whereas A-M13 is a remnant early Cushitic lineage from when our ancestors were very early on intermingling the likes of Nilo-Saharans in Sudan.

So yes, given the dominance of E-Z813 and T-L208 like 90-95% of Somali males do indeed share the same the same forefathers within the last 2-3 thousand years. Many of us much more recently than that within E-Z813 and T-L208.
You saved so much of my time. @niggaibnh tag this guy from now on. He is a genius when it comes to Somali ancient history.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
No tracking our lineage is what makes us unique we can count it back hundreds of years back the stories are sometimes exaggerated
But it has been proved wrong by dna. Mjs dont cluster with other harti apparently. All this abtirsi stuff is bollocks.


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