My girl is pregnant and she not Somali or Muslim.

About that I wouldn’t be so sure, if that was the case then all somali males would have the same Y haplogroup. Dna studies also have proven that there has been a disruption in the lineage from people of various different origins claiming the qabiil making the whole qabiil foundation thing null and dismantled
Regarding the second point, explain it to me?


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
People always say irir samaale is a confederation of different tribes. Turns out darood is the same too?


Entitled uppity East African
The point we don’t care who came first
They have the same forefathers but eventually split
darood married dombrio dir Hawiye was a son of irir whilst Dir was the son of Aji who was the son of irir how can we be the same


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
The point we don’t care who came first
They have the same forefathers but eventually split
Darood and hawiye are allies and family. They both refuse to hand the president or prime minister seat to anyone whos not hawiye or darood. We also intermarry a lot
You’re gonna lose in court. If you really love the baby just kid nap him in the future like when he’s 7. Live in Somalia for the rest of your days. Start saving now!
One way ticket to galkacyo incoming…
flight GIF


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
That’s fairytale lol

Dirs ain’t related nor is the son of irir

Dirs came from Yemen 3000 years ago
No nigga its the other way around. Darood came from yemen and married dombiro direed the Og somalis
That’s not true they are literally Somali 💀💀 where did you get that from @Sophisticate

No nigga it’s the other way around. Darood came from yemen and married dombiro direed the Og somalis

The Somali T comes from serious Semitic stock probably related to Eblaite peoples or one of those influential groups in the Syrian region, regardless, essentially a native lineage of that region since the Neolithic and Chalcolithic to Bronze Age. Then they lived in Arabia between 800 to a couple of thousand years (because not sure when T-Y45591 migrated to the Arabian Peninsula between 6800-2800 years BP (guessing 1000-2000 years, maybe due to later so-called BA Collapse?)), and then they came to the promising northern Somali shores some 2000 years ago.

“The Somali T comes from serious Semitic stock probably related to Eblaite peoples or one of those influential groups in the Syrian region, regardless, essentially a native lineage of that region since the Neolithic and Chalcolithic to Bronze Age. Then they lived in Arabia between 800 to a couple of thousand years (because not sure when T-Y45591 migrated to the Arabian Peninsula between 6800-2800 years BP (guessing 1000-2000 years, maybe due to later so-called BA Collapse?)), and then they came to the promising northern Somali shores some 2000 years ago”


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