My face asymmetry.

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My dilemma is selfish and superficial, but at the same time deeply evolutionary. The barest essence of my qualm is that due to sports and fighting, my nose is slightly crooked; the comprehensiveness of the true problem is much more elaborate. Symmetry - it's what makes individuals attractive. But more than simply correlating with attractiveness, symmetry correlates with good health, intelligence, and higher earning potential. These are just the more pronounced and alluring benefits of being symmetrical (face and body).

Now I have broken my nose a few times through sports, fighting, and other masculine endeavors. This was never a psychological issue for me until I started researching evolutionary psychology. What we all seem to truly discard is the importance of attractiveness and good genes, not simply just for mating, but for male-male competition as well. Having good genes is romantically attractive and alliance promoting. We may not want to admit it, but we naturally gravitate to attractive individuals, for whatever our selfish purposes are.

I was born with a fairly symmetrical face, but my genes are skewed by a sequence of traumatic incidents really, experiences. Numerical attractiveness aside, by having a lightly crooked nose I am lowering my mate value; asymmetry correlations with a high mutation load and developmental instability in utero. My concern it turns out, is not just superficial, but is also of a functional matter. I visited an ENT, where after recommending a CAT scan, he was shocked to see the damage. The CAT scan showed that I had a broken nasal bone, collapsed cartilage, and a displaced septum. He commented on how, at best, I was breathing at 50% efficiency, which makes me think about how that impacts sleeping, for sleeping is such a necessary part of life for more than a few reasons.

So insurance will pay for a surgery to fix everything, but the dilemma lies not in the ability to fix the aesthetic and functional problem, but whether that is the best overall option. Everything seems so straightforward, but for one problem: my desire to practice Brazilian jiu-jitsu. I've boxed for years, but a martial art is a discipline which teaches a 1000 lessons. It is simply not smart to fix my asymmetrical nose and practice jiu-jitsu.

Is the best option to learn jiu-jitsu for a couple years and then fix my asymmetries, knowing full well that if I choose this position I'm not only hindering my jiu-jitsu and athletic performance (less oxygen) and attractiveness, or just say, forget it; get the surgery? Fix the problem; fighting is so unnecessary.

Thanks for having the patience to read this.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
If you were born with a high degree of facial symmetry than how can physical trauma to your face from contact sports be inherited by your offspring? It's similar to saying having braces will epigenetically alter your genes in such a way that your children will inherit straight teeth - not true. It's only a superficial change. By the way, there are many unconventionally attractive men in this world that manage to secure a high-quality mate based on their earning potential, self-confidence and/or personality. It isn't stifled by looks alone. Even if you believe individuals endowed with great facial symmetry tend to do better in life, how should that beat you into submission. Don't be a shrinking violet. You have two options (1) get it fixed, but will it improve your self-image? (2) don't get it fixed, but will you be content from and garnering your self-worth less from aesthetics?

It's clear what you have is self-attributed. Only you know the right answer, so do you.
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John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
The only advice that I have to give you is (and its gold) :

Never change yourself based on what you think girls will find attractive. It's not going to lead to good results. I know it sounds very very cliche but confidence is the only thing you should be working on. Have that surgery to improve your own aesthetic, if you like.
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The only advise that I have to give you is (and its gold) :

Never change yourself based on what you think girls will find attractive. It's not going to lead to good results. I know it sounds very very cliche but confidence is the only thing you should be working on. Have that surgery to improve your own aesthetic, if you like.
Op never believe what females like her say if she says don't do the surgery do the surgery:)
Cant be as bad as this guy's


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
This is something that happened to you not something you were born with so it wouldn't affect your offspring.

Most people don't look at appearances if you have other qualities thats include self-confidence. Build that up sxb ain't no chick gonna give you time of the day if you ain't confident about your looks believe me it's unattractive when men complain about their imperfections. If allah swt gave you a caafimaad crooked nose should be your least of worries.


This is something that happened to you not something you were born with so it wouldn't affect your offspring.

Most people don't look at appearances if you have other qualities thats include self-confidence. Build that up sxb ain't no chick gonna give you time of the day if you ain't confident about your looks believe me it's unattractive when men complain about their imperfections. If allah swt gave you a caafimaad crooked nose should be your least of worries.
She's right op us ugly niggas will eat regardless just make sure you got some money
Attractiveness is non-negotiable. Thus, when you do things to improve your aesthetics, you need to do them for yourself and not external influences you hope would recognize the change. Humans are peculiar beings, in that what one human finds "attractive" and "good" is what another human may find "disgusting" and "unattractive". That's where the whole "tastes and preferences" come from.

Also, your body, very simply, is biologically "fixing" any injuries you fall upon at anytime, when it comes to blood clotting, to formations of calluses. So with your injury, a callus would be formed to help keep the broken bones in your nose in place. These calluses harden over time as more cells around the body form around the calluses. So if you don't seek the proper treatment, these calluses can harden into the strength of normal bones, and what could be an easy surgery could turn into a painful cosmetic surgery years later.
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