Boqor of Boqors. The man your wife fantasises of.
There needs to be a Story, Travel and Career section in these forums walahi.
Anyway I have a hilarious story about my Aabo getting arrested in the UK
So my Aabo used to own a Khat spot in London (before the ban) and was making bank. I admired this man as he would single handily provide for over 30 people back home as well. The issue with the business is that some of the men prefer to pay later and use the product. This is normal practice but once it gets out of hand then it can be problematic. They would say shit like “war igu qhor”
One such customer delayed payment in the agreed timeframe and my Aabo gave him over 5 chances to pay. On the 5th day my Aabo brought a Bokoorad to work and wuu dilay (nothing broken don't worry, just a bilaa edaab daro beating)
He was thrown out and unbeknownst to everyone this nigga snitched to the feds Fast forward couple of weeks and my father is walking with a friend in the area when he sees the man plus two male cadaans with normal clothes. His friend tells him “waar carar, waa askar eh, adiga ayay kudoonayaan”
My father took one look and they looked back and was approaching him. Walaahi he bolted for it
This is 1pm summer time in the strip. My aabo is running from the feds in the middle of the road whilst over 50 Somalis are in shock. He took a left and a right and sadly came across a medium metal fence. He was midway climbing over and they grabbed his leg
He spent the night in holding and we had to pay out that nigga to not press charges LMAO.
Anyway I have a hilarious story about my Aabo getting arrested in the UK
So my Aabo used to own a Khat spot in London (before the ban) and was making bank. I admired this man as he would single handily provide for over 30 people back home as well. The issue with the business is that some of the men prefer to pay later and use the product. This is normal practice but once it gets out of hand then it can be problematic. They would say shit like “war igu qhor”
One such customer delayed payment in the agreed timeframe and my Aabo gave him over 5 chances to pay. On the 5th day my Aabo brought a Bokoorad to work and wuu dilay (nothing broken don't worry, just a bilaa edaab daro beating)
He was thrown out and unbeknownst to everyone this nigga snitched to the feds Fast forward couple of weeks and my father is walking with a friend in the area when he sees the man plus two male cadaans with normal clothes. His friend tells him “waar carar, waa askar eh, adiga ayay kudoonayaan”
My father took one look and they looked back and was approaching him. Walaahi he bolted for it
This is 1pm summer time in the strip. My aabo is running from the feds in the middle of the road whilst over 50 Somalis are in shock. He took a left and a right and sadly came across a medium metal fence. He was midway climbing over and they grabbed his leg
He spent the night in holding and we had to pay out that nigga to not press charges LMAO.