My 2pac Favorite Song



Yeah it's appropatiely named 'KRAZY', I listen to it when I am not feeling well mentally. It's very soothing. There other songs I like also but that's gotta to be up there with Top 5. Other songs I like is 'changes', 'thugs paradise' 'dear mama' 'only god can judge me'. I like his 'deep' earthly and non earthly songs. Earthly ones are bit lower then the non earthly stuff like god or krazy topic.


I love how he says 'hard times behind us, turned a minus into a plus meaning now his blinded' Just because u were rock bottom which is below zero and you now scored a few points means your blinded at 'zero' level your not positive above zero. Ur basically BLIND. There many deep things in his songs not just this one but there is heaps of other tunes and melodies.



Yeah I say Ghetto Quran in my heart tho. Why? The quran is like that with melodies, rhymes, and deep 100 meanings on each word said, it's not as straight forward. Plus it needs NO BEATS let these ABWAANS around the world try to beat that. Turning words into a melody, rhyme, then a flow without any beats, synchronizers, and all that shit they add. Plus make your words have infinite meaning across mellenias since its not about earthly matter that is shut n closed on meaning.

The only one I am interested in PSALMS. The songs of Solomon Ill see how deep that hebrew is and melody cause u know when it's corrupted. If I read bible It's around The prophets mentioned in Quran. David and Solomon. No jesus gospel here. Moses Torah


Mohamed never spoke to christians about a 'book' but about the 'spirit and miracle of jesus' which was his life. Not the gospel at all. But Moses and David and Solomon left behind the LAW, PSALM, SONGS. Mohamed was like u come to me you JEWS and lets test if you have the truth. He had the 'law' and this songs and recitation and melodies that were so much deeper then anything David and Solomon had.


Jews lost the temple, kings, ark, the whole elements of Judaism. Once that was gone the 'SAMAWAT' WHICH IS THE HEAVENS OPENED FOR MANKIND TO RECIEVE THE WORD OF GOD and not just the children of Israel and it opened and shut forever with Muhammad we believe. We can prove how their fake judaism isn't real anyways without all the requirements. Convenant is based on REAL JUDAISM and all aspects temple, ark, laws, tabernacle, the tribes, the kings. They know this deep down but choose their desires and emotions.

The sad thing is the muslims will restore judaism for them. Bring them all the aspects of judaism back in the messiah and then DIE in mecca and say there is your ZION you been crying for so long, your dhaxal, now follow it. Properly though not luuq luuq shit and bits here and there like they are now. Its the law, tabernacle, temple, its the kings and lineage, the tribes, and believers(converts) in that. We are not competing to destroy them at all, we have the final word of GOD for Mankind. We got it during their catasphoric fall after jesus with romans. Thats' why they cry it's not about Israel its how dare u go to mankind, cuqdadlow weeye. I wish it was pharoah that returns as messiah because its possible he may arise from EGYPT cause it will be SWORD treatment like they wud for u. These arabs love them and possibly why the messiah will ARISE from them but he may have ancient egyptian spirit from egypt noone knows or the jew lover arab spirit.

Some like bun iyo ambuulo iyo faataxa approach and some prefer 'qiyas' both are valid in Islam. I prefer 'qiyas' and miyi style an eye for an eye. Ancient egyptians to revenge their fall to moses even tho they submitted in the end their worst king, forget their good n humble ppl and best of women asiya. Thats why i wanna learn bun iyo ambuulo iyo faataxa culture cuz thats an option the messiah returns to RESTORE ISRAEL for them PROPERLY THIS TIME and walks away and dies.

Ancient egyptian approach isnt a genocide it's an extinction method of that NAME ISRAEL. U dont get fully what an extinction means, ISRAEL MEMORY WILL BE NO MORE. Thats eye for an eye in my book.
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U know how gospel says about abraham I am. Or quran abraham not the father of any ye men. Meaning ab(father in cushitic) ra(of) ham(first son of noah). He was speaking to 'semitic population saying I got nothing to do with genetically but only 'faith wise' be it islam, judaism, christianity. This 1 god concept aan isku imaano koley abtir isma galnee. HAM THE LION iga dheh aduunka waa ninka ugu gobsana meel kasta hadad eegto and no inkaar from god only his 'father' NOAH which came true for one lineage to be 'enslaved bodily n mind' the bantu, but not all his SONs like cush, egypt, and so many more.

Don't get the mu-ham-mad. HAM again but what does MU and Mad mean. The songs of solomon mentions a MAKMAD loooooooool MUMAD part lol. Hamd means praise. Alhamdulilah means the praiseworthy one. Al the. Ham praise. Lilah one. If I praise HAM though it's not a problem he isn't the ONE AND ONLY THOUGH it's not linked to god, it just means he is the best among us in men, the praise of mankind. I dont blame em. U look at history u see it all over places the signs of egypt, kush, etc.

No man or anything that is creation can claim to be the ONE al-ilah. No way not any man alive or animal. But ham in the middle of al-ham-lilah. Yes it's praise but that praise is for god. Ham is an example only out of mankind.

Noone can touch the AL-ILAH part it's the ONE. I am telling u the truth, everything else is just 'earthly' attributes like praise, worship, deeds. God is none of that. Its on us as servants to do such things for ourselves or for him which humans used to do it to themselves or idols or moons or watever nonsense and this time its for HIM. The one reality one ultimate havent u heard it in our time also. Its not the 'zero' as that is man made concept. It doesn't exist zero.

Holy of holies, king of kings, ayaa la dhaha sxb the AL ILAH the ultimate one. every title of highest part of our existence and concepts u slap on the ONE. Thats the REAL ONE. His the warrior of warriors, the love of lovers. I can understand the 99 attributes of allah. It means he is the perfection of those attributes right at the TOP. Like makr they say is deception thats a lie. Not ancient arabic. Makr means 'plot' meaning 'strategy' just cause I strategize doesnt mean I am lying. I do it all the time strategy before I approach any topic or anything in life really. Now if i am the best strategist, i have to stop and say the ultimate strategist is al-ilah. It's every field in humanity that is considered HOLY and not wicked.

But I dont like modern arabs their settler mind plus not knowing miyi plus not knowing ancient arabic. I prefer sitting BEJA who speak modern arabic and probably know ancient arabic plus lifestyle to ask what a certain word means. Just c ause u speak english dont mean u know the medical terms of english, u can read it but u cannot fully grasp it. U know what I mean.
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The Quran is the hardest field in Humanity. Every generation that tries to understand it's meaning will not 'grasp' portion of it for it's time period because the words are not 'fixed' in 'time' so it can have another meaning as time goes on. It's from god that's why. It's like mental illness ppl thought it was from demons now their is new meaning its mind thing, tommorow the meaning maybe virtual reality problem not brain thing. The meaning will constantly forever evolve the quran, heck even our human knowledge does. So it's best to worship a god u never limit to your understanding and in-fact it's better staying ignorant of the quran as u may fall to your understanding of your measurable mind and time period.

Beyond concepts like the 1, king of kings, 99 attributes(meaning his right at the top of each) and possibly moreeeeeeeeee since 99 attributes he never 'claimed' that we 'assume' that in our time period. His attributes has no ENDING in sight. So it's pointless in a way to speak about what god is dont u think as it will evolve our understanding tommorow and 100 years from now on.


@DR OSMAN Salam brother my favourite 2pac songs are also only god can judge me and letter to my unborn child, I ain't mad at ya, brenda's got a baby, california love, all eyez on me, among a few,

may Allah subhana wa tala give you health and cure you brother as well as forgive your sins and grant you & your loved ones the highest reward jannah al firdous insh'Allah tala amin

