My 23 and me results jaamacatu DNA soo gala

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Here’s some screenshots.

014171E1-9CBB-4E2A-AEFA-B7881A847A75.jpeg F3828E71-1705-4DA9-BED8-EEDA31A862EC.png 7D059D85-5BEB-4919-BDCF-E4132BC1C584.png 8CB0C8F9-8D43-4A60-9B83-07F12488FD9E.png 204B09AA-B6F7-4C7E-B4DC-0CDC1C153855.png
Are u mixed or full Somali? These results are confusing lol.

Yeah. Some Oromo on mums side but far back. Genetically I’m almost 100% Somali. Either way 100% East African Cushitic.

By the way “Palestinian” is just a proxy name used to represent the detected Middle Eastern we apparently all have.


Oberbefehlshaber der Somalier Genetik Gruppe
A diff path to that of most Somalis? What part is that?
Just like cousins share the same grandfather, you and V32 share the same grandfather, that lived 25,000 years ago. Your line isn't defined yet.
Yeah. Some Oromo on mums side but far back. Genetically I’m almost 100% Somali. Either way 100% East African Cushitic.

By the way “Palestinian” is just a proxy name used to represent the detected Middle Eastern we apparently all have.
Oh, okay.
Makes sense. The Palestinian really threw me off. Lol.
Cool results :nvjpqts:
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