Muslims are NOT the Problem.

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Islam is a religion followed by many worshipers. They come in all colors, speak different languages and some even pray differently. The Problem are NOT Muslims. In fact, if you look at the daily map, you'd notice the choas that has given Muslims worldwide the terror title is simply due to the Middle East.
Take a look at nations such as Turkey and Indonesia. Both happen to be Muslim countries, yet both are internationally respected. The problem here is Arabs. Not Muslims. Arabs have a culture that is native to the Middle East which can only be described as, "disgusting" these people share a dirty sick culture, and they have given Islam and Muslims a bad name. Were being targeted, one of my boys who drives Uber told me he left work early last night, because he receieved some negativity while the story was being reported.
Muslims overall are peace loving people, Arabs are not.
A Muslim will most likely respect your flaws and respect you as a whole.
An Arab Muslim has a high amount of hate and will not welcome peace.
Arabs make up less than 15% of the Muslim population, yet they seem to give us remaining majoirty Muslims a bad name.
You can't be Muslim and hold those beliefs about Arabs. Take Malcolm X as an example before he visited Mecca, he thought the white man was the devil before then.


You can't be Muslim and hold those beliefs about Arabs. Take Malcolm X as an example before he visited Mecca, he thought the white man was the devil before then.

Its people like you who have no idea what It is to be muslim. You're another arab bootyclapper.

You can't be Muslim and hold those beliefs about Arabs.
So if i disagree with what an Arab does, i automatically leave Islam? Even without my consent?
I'll be up front with you, I don't like Arabs. By this I'm addressing the present day lunatics in Arabia.
Kualaha you cant be Muslim and hold beliefs about Arabs.
"Carabta xumaaa" "yaaa akhi...xaram" "Carabta foolxumaa" "ah ah waraa toobad keen"
Some of you fucking Somalis bootyclap way too much, as if not liking Arabs is haram CML

To be Muslim you outta love Arabs? These people have a dirty culture. Its beyond disgusting.
'Arab Muslim have a high hate' according to who? Where are these stats coming from? You seem to have knowledge only privy to Allah:reallymaury:

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Why are Arabs so important?

I never think about them outside of sspot. Them and bantus.

Thesoutherner meant you cannot hate one of Allah's servants and practice racism. Cleanse yourself from the hate.
It's a sad state of affairs when a Muslim has to defend his own Deen in a predominantly Somali/Muslim forum.

You're preaching to the choir here.


Why are Arabs so important?

I never think about them outside of sspot. Them and bantus.

Thesoutherner meant you cannot hate one of Allah's servants and practice racism. Cleanse yourself from the hate.

I don't consider anyone who takes an innocent persons life a Muslim or Allah's servant.
This Wahabism culture is only native to Arabia, therefore I despise anything of that sort.
We Somalis have never been exposed to Wahabism, and when the opportunity hit. The likes of Al Shabaab arrived.
I'm not generalizing all Arabs, but it seems if one disagrees with an Arab...he cannot be a Muslim.
Diinta ku laabto and stop worshipping Arabs as if they're above anyone else.
I've got an opinion, and I'm sure you do also. Feel free to bootyclap, a nigga goin express himself however he please.


'Arab Muslim have a high hate' according to who? Where are these stats coming from? You seem to have knowledge only privy to Allah:reallymaury:

Why is Allah in this conversation? When ya'll address Somalis with negativity how come no one says what you have?
Most of these terrorists are of Arab decent, if you wanna argue about this FACT, im really not gonna waste my time with a waste man.
Why is Allah in this conversation? When ya'll address Somalis with negativity how come no one says what you have?
Most of these terrorists are of Arab decent, if you wanna argue about this FACT, im really not gonna waste my time with a waste man.

You can't form an opinion without resorting to typical 'Arab booty clapping' and 'waste man'.
What about Islamic terrorist groups in Africa, who rape and kill children? Do you also hate them?
Arabs bought you Islam too, we should change the language of the Quran to something else and move the Kaaba to Africa.


You can't form an opinion without resorting to typical 'Arab booty clapping' and 'waste man'.
What about Islamic terrorist groups in Africa, who rape and kill children? Do you also hate them?
Arabs bought you Islam too, we should change the language of the Quran to something else and move the Kaaba to Africa.

WTF, I hate all terror groups. They are inspired by terror groups in the Middle East, and have embraced Wahabism.
Thats some shallow sarcsasm if it is, Islam orginiated in Mecca, moving it is out of the equation.
Arabs might have brought us Islam, but it weren't them white worshiping Arabs in the Middle East.
Wahabism is a disease, and so is Arab culture. Somalia must leave the Arab league. ASAP.
Read this article.

Did Prophet Muhammad Warn Us Of ISIS 1,400 Years Ago?
1,400 years ago, the Prophet Muhammad prophesized that a time would come when nothing would remain of Islam but its name, nothing of the Quran but its…

The prophet was describing extremists groups, how does this relate to Arabs in
general? Extremists groups are all over the world, killing in the name of Allah. Are you going to use the prophet to promote hate on Arabs?

Don't know why I took this thread so serious, Arabs make up 15% of Islam?
The prophet was describing extremists groups, how does this relate to Arabs in
general? Extremists groups are all over the world, killing in the name of Allah. Are you going to use the prophet to promote hate on Arabs?

Don't know why I took this thread so serious, Arabs make up 15% of Islam?

Apparently to him, the Taliban (Afghan Pashtuns), Boko Haram (Hausa Nigerians) and Al Shabab (Somalis and Bantus) don't exist.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Dis radical Islam meme played da f*ck out

Who buyin dis in da year of our Lord two thousand and fifteen



Apparently to him, the Taliban (Afghan Pashtuns), Boko Haram (Hausa Nigerians) and Al Shabab (Somalis and Bantus) don't exist.

All those groups mentioned have pledged an alliance to the Wahabis in Arabia.
It seems comprehending simple common sense is absent from your mentality.
The groups mentioned practice the Wahabi form of Islam, which is inspired by an Arab.
Al Shabab and Boko haram have both pledge an alliance to ISIS. They're all the same for me.
Whether it be ISIS or Shabab, both these groups were mentioned by the prophet, and i do not consider them Muslims.
All those groups mentioned have pledged an alliance to the Wahabis in Arabia.
It seems comprehending simple common sense is absent from your mentality.
The groups mentioned practice the Wahabi form of Islam, which is inspired by an Arab.
Al Shabab and Boko haram have both pledge an alliance to ISIS. They're all the same for me.
Whether it be ISIS or Shabab, both these groups were mentioned by the prophet, and i do not consider them Muslims.

I do not consider them Muslims either, but I wouldn't go so far as to insist that the Khawaarij scourge that has infected out Ummah to be the fault of Arabs alone.

There are plenty of non-Arab terrorist groups, including the one terrorizing Somalia right now.

The Taliban in Afghanistan has existed for more than 2 decades, and they are Pashtuns. Not Arabs.

The Khawaarij have existed for a thousand years before AbdulWahhab was even the two terms are not always one and the same.

But I understand exactly where you're coming from. You could have just worded it a little better.
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