Muslims Are Led By Stupid Men

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One would expect this kind of drivel and insults from some SSpot Muslim members, but let me tell you that their leaders ain't better than them and afterwards, they will collectively complain about Islamophobia. When it comes to women, they can't shut up, but mention wanting to shag every women including female ghosts.

Australian women need Muslims to 'fertilise them' - Islamic leader.


A Sydney-based Islamic leader is claiming Australian women need Muslim men to "fertilise them" because of recent reports that sperm counts in western males are dropping drastically.

Halal Certification Authority boss Mohamed El-Mouelhy said Australian women would "need us to fertilise them and keep them surrounded by Muslim babies".

Mr El-Mouelhy suggests the white race could become extinct within 40 years if Australia is left to the "bigots" he believes should "commit suicide".

"Your men are a dying breed, Australian women need us to fertilise them and keep them surrounded by Muslim babies while beer swilling, cigarette smoking, drug injecting can only dream of what Muslim men are capable of."

"Muslims have a duty to make your women happy."

"Because you are declining, better go choose a plot for yourself at your local cemetery."

"If you can't afford it, commit suicide. It is a cheaper alternative for bigots."

Mr El-Mouelhy's comments come after a Hebrew University in Jerusalem released research that revealed a frightening decline in male fertility for Western men in, including those in Australia.

The study did not explore reasons for the declining levels but did suggest that some of Mr El-Mouelhy's propositions could be the reason for it, smoking and alcohol among them.

Mr El-Mouelhy has previously said that it's inevitable "Australia will one day be an Islamic country".

Garaad Darawiish

Astra incliant sed non obligant
One would expect this kind of drivel and insults from some SSpot Muslim members, but let me tell you that their leaders ain't better than them and afterwards, they will collectively complain about Islamophobia. When it comes to women, they can't shut up, but mention wanting to shag every women including female ghosts.

Australian women need Muslims to 'fertilise them' - Islamic leader.


A Sydney-based Islamic leader is claiming Australian women need Muslim men to "fertilise them" because of recent reports that sperm counts in western males are dropping drastically.

Halal Certification Authority boss Mohamed El-Mouelhy said Australian women would "need us to fertilise them and keep them surrounded by Muslim babies".

Mr El-Mouelhy suggests the white race could become extinct within 40 years if Australia is left to the "bigots" he believes should "commit suicide".

"Your men are a dying breed, Australian women need us to fertilise them and keep them surrounded by Muslim babies while beer swilling, cigarette smoking, drug injecting can only dream of what Muslim men are capable of."

"Muslims have a duty to make your women happy."

"Because you are declining, better go choose a plot for yourself at your local cemetery."

"If you can't afford it, commit suicide. It is a cheaper alternative for bigots."

Mr El-Mouelhy's comments come after a Hebrew University in Jerusalem released research that revealed a frightening decline in male fertility for Western men in, including those in Australia.

The study did not explore reasons for the declining levels but did suggest that some of Mr El-Mouelhy's propositions could be the reason for it, smoking and alcohol among them.

Mr El-Mouelhy has previously said that it's inevitable "Australia will one day be an Islamic country".
He is prbably one of those lebo 'clerics' in cronulla or Lukimba in NSW lol.
Yeh, you're right they own Redfern but western sydney(parramatte, lakemba, punchbowl etc) is Lebo territory. Cronulla is mini-Lebanon


Joseph is righ, the Lebos and most of the ethnic people like the Greeks, Maltese, Vietnamese and Yoguslavians live in the Western Suburbs, while Cronulla is predominantly Anglo with maybe fara-ku-turris Lebanese Muslims who play Rugby, however, there are other Christian Lebanese who are business people. That's the electorate of the treasurer, Morrison, a very Alt-Right area. No sane Lebanese with a family of females with hijab will move to that area. Also, real estate there is double the house prices in the West.

Redfern is highly gentrified and the aborigines were supposed to be moved to other areas. But they, big shot sports and entertainment celebrities along with academics from the nearby Sydney University have fought the State government, so they could retain their government homes and not to be sold to developers. They are now renovating their homes.


I'm not sure about his background, but I think it is Egyptian. I like how the Bosnians are autonomous from these Islamic organisations led by the Arabs, the African Muslims should follow suit. There were two different groups of Lebanese fighting for weeks infront of the Preston mosque after the imam was dismissed and another one selected. The clan of the sacked imam took matters on their hands. (Google Muslims fighting at Preston mosque). 40% of the congregation of that mosque are Somalis.

Garaad Darawiish

Astra incliant sed non obligant

Joseph is righ, the Lebos and most of the ethnic people like the Greeks, Maltese, Vietnamese and Yoguslavians live in the Western Suburbs, while Cronulla is predominantly Anglo with maybe fara-ku-turris Lebanese Muslims who play Rugby, however, there are other Christian Lebanese who are business people. That's the electorate of the treasurer, Morrison, a very Alt-Right area. No sane Lebanese with a family of females with hijab will move to that area. Also, real estate there is double the house prices in the West.

Redfern is highly gentrified and the aborigines were supposed to be moved to other areas. But they, big shot sports and entertainment celebrities along with academics from the nearby Sydney University have fought the State government, so they could retain their government homes and not to be sold to developers. They are now renovating their homes.


I'm not sure about his background, but I think it is Egyptian. I like how the Bosnians are autonomous from these Islamic organisations led by the Arabs, the African Muslims should follow suit. There were two different groups of Lebanese fighting for weeks infront of the Preston mosque after the imam was dismissed and another one selected. The clan of the sacked imam took matters on their hands. (Google Muslims fighting at Preston mosque). 40% of the congregation of that mosque are Somalis.
Interesting. I have also come to know that Sydney Somalis dont leech off welfare as much as the Melbournian Somalis do. The vast majority of them are employed( most are businessmen). I know for a fact that Cronulla is a mini-Beirut case in point; the Cronulla Riots(I'm sure you are well aware of what went down in Cronulla over a decade ago).
Interesting. I have also come to know that Sydney Somalis dont leech off welfare as much as the Melbournian Somalis do. The vast majority of them are employed( most are businessmen). I know for a fact that Cronulla is a mini-Beirut case in point; the Cronulla Riots(I'm sure you are well aware of what went down in Cronulla over a decade ago).


Who did you hear from? Illeen sheekooyinka habraha ayaa rumeeysataa?

The Cronulla Riots were in reaction to Lebos from the Westies coming to Cronulla beach and disrespting the locals, especially females. It was so bad, that some women were sexually assaulted by these Lebo gangs on the beach. I heard they have been taught a great lesson because Sydney beaches are now the safest in the country.

Garaad Darawiish

Astra incliant sed non obligant

Who did you hear from? Illeen sheekooyinka habraha ayaa rumeeysataa?

The Cronulla Riots were in reaction to Lebos from the Westies coming to Cronulla beach and disrespting the locals, especially females. It was so bad, that some women were sexually assaulted by these Lebo gangs on the beach. I heard they have been taught a great lesson because Sydney beaches are now the safest in the country.
habraaha paltalk iyo facebook baay ku wada jireen xiligaas. The way the locals reacted was deplorable. Racist slurs such as 'wogs' were being passed around like it was a joke sxb. I understand that the Lebanese teens must have done something to displease the locals but their reaction certainly didnt make things any easier. Tensions intensified when some of the local sent each other messages to meet at 'Cronulla Beach'. This was the message
"This Sunday every Fucking Aussie in the shire, get down to North Cronulla to help support Leb and wog bashing day.... Bring your mates down and let's show them this is our beach and they're never welcome back"

"Just a reminder that Cronulla's 1st wog bashing day is still on this Sunday. Chinks bashing day is on the 27th and the Jews are booked for early January"

"Every fucking aussie. Go to Cronulla Beach Sunday for some Leb and wog bashing Aussie Pride ok"

Ok this was pretty bad but the lebos werent going to let themselves get violates so they also strapped up

"All leb / wog brothers. Sunday midday. Must be at North Cronulla Park. These skippy aussies want war. Bring ur guns and knives and lets show them how we do it."

"All Arabs unite as one, we will never back down, the Aussies will feel the full force of the Arabs. Destroy everything, gather at Cronulla December 18 at midday – spread the word. Together exterminate the enemy at Cronulla. Send this to every lion of Lebanon."

And what happened after that was history
habraaha paltalk iyo facebook baay ku wada jireen xiligaas. The way the locals reacted was deplorable. Racist slurs such as 'wogs' were being passed around like it was a joke sxb. I understand that the Lebanese teens must have done something to displease the locals but their reaction certainly didnt make things any easier. Tensions intensified when some of the local sent each other messages to meet at 'Cronulla Beach'. This was the message
"This Sunday every Fucking Aussie in the shire, get down to North Cronulla to help support Leb and wog bashing day.... Bring your mates down and let's show them this is our beach and they're never welcome back"

"Just a reminder that Cronulla's 1st wog bashing day is still on this Sunday. Chinks bashing day is on the 27th and the Jews are booked for early January"

"Every fucking aussie. Go to Cronulla Beach Sunday for some Leb and wog bashing Aussie Pride ok"

Ok this was pretty bad but the lebos werent going to let themselves get violates so they also strapped up

"All leb / wog brothers. Sunday midday. Must be at North Cronulla Park. These skippy aussies want war. Bring ur guns and knives and lets show them how we do it."

"All Arabs unite as one, we will never back down, the Aussies will feel the full force of the Arabs. Destroy everything, gather at Cronulla December 18 at midday – spread the word. Together exterminate the enemy at Cronulla. Send this to every lion of Lebanon."

And what happened after that was history


I've explained above the majority of the residents of Cronulla as an Alt Right and why will the Lebos harass their women? These are Muslim boys who want their hijab wearing mothers and sisters respected by all. Sydney is a city of amazing and wonderful beaches. I think Bondi Beach is second to none globally bar Copacabana Beach. Why would they go all the way to Cronulla to mishandle females? What would Somalis have done if their women were harassed in their own territory by disrespectful men? Having said that, racist elements wanted to take advantage of the situation and turn the youth of Cronulla into Neo-Nazis, but to no avail. The harassment ceased and they allowed Muslim lifeguards including a Muslim female dressed in a Burqini at that beach two years later.
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