Nacad baad tahay. That was last night. Ciidanka Pl oo xasalinta baa magalada baadoon ku so roogay after 2 business men refused to pay taxes.These parasites are uploading 'videos' of acting like their is war in Sanaag? looooool. You ain't fooling anyone, show us the 'footage' if people dying, then we will take it serious. They wanna send signals to their paymasters their earning their CHECK. But their not, their trying to upload LYING VIDEOS. I think they even work together pl/sl hartis and say lets put on a show and take money from both sides.
The only one winning in SSC is the LOCALS, not SL or PL. They are clearly benefiting from both and it's DOOMSDAY now for them cause Muse Bihi has said the game is over, u better get rid of the puntland side or we will deal with ur CHECKS looooooooooool. So they go around firing a few fake shots in the air and yelling DAGAAL XOOGAN BA SOCODA LOL.
Nacad baad tahay. That was last night. Ciidanka Pl oo xasalinta baa magalada baadoon ku so roogay after 2 business men refused to pay taxes.
Dadka Reer PL ha kala saariin.
Dhoola tuus weyaan. Never wil we kill ourselves.If it's real where are the bodies and wounded? I'd love to see that. Warsangeli oo mayd ah
Dhoola tuus weyaan. Never wil we kill ourselves.
Ciidanka xasalintana waa all warsan.
Pl doing its thing
And thats why the last time there was an inter clan war was 1895.Come on do it. Even Mj did it in 2001. Jambal laga soo turay hamar(ina salad boy) and his croney(jama ali jama). I can't wait to see warsangeli mayd ah. At least we all ran to stop that war similar to sanaag lol. Majerten are happy and peaceful since 2001 woohoooooooooooooooo. Piece of advice tho. U can't rely on politicians to fix it and stablize a clan. If we did that we wud still be at war lol.
U need ISIMO even if they are not yours as long as their respected. MJ isimo were divided to resolve that so we called other somali isimo to help. Shame hawiye doesnt nacas nacas dhalay 30 years and his still collecting bodies.
And thats why the last time there was an inter clan war was 1895.
If you are talking about PL that your intrest lie in setting up a good border near ceerigabo. If you care about qabil. Then f*ck evryone should bw your motto.
Maskiin calool ku jiira baad tahay. You dont have enemies. The only MJ who knows what it means to have enemies and borders are Laandeer Cumar Maxamuud.
If only MJs would be genuine and share the cake proportionally then it would be better.
You complain about Dhulbahante but have just reduced them to footsoilders.
Also you have a pact with iid.oor behind their backs and allowed the invasion of SSC.
Harti needs to be genuine.
PL should share the cake with all stake holders from Leilkase,Awryable,Dhulbahante and Warsangeli.
PL only Cumar maxamud and Osman maxamud ran the place the rest are 5th column.
Yamuul Qiyaam will come before Warsangali descends in clan wars. Keep wishing. This is the last tribe that would kill each otherYo @Suldaanka will this be badhan
The bodies warsangeli. While Majerten stand around on the outside and say 'way tashan wayeen, waa kaa hada dhulkasi bay yaalan'. At least ask for help no shame if warsangeli can't resolve it. There was a time even Majerten couldn't resolve their issues. But before that outcome arrives, it's best u decide it's either that or get somalis to settle your shit for u.
It's well known sxb in Somalia any qabiil who doesn't have an agreement inside, are usually piling up dead bodies. It's seen across the nation this same predicament of WAY TASHAN WAYEEN.
This is patently false. Dhulbahante, a clan who isn't even apart of Puntland, has as many ministries as Mohamud Saleeban. They also control a third of the parliament and essentially choose our presidents.If only MJs would be genuine and share the cake proportionally then it would be better.
You complain about Dhulbahante but have just reduced them to footsoilders.
Also you have a pact with iid.oor behind their backs and allowed the invasion of SSC.
Harti needs to be genuine.
PL should share the cake with all stake holders from Leilkase,Awryable,Dhulbahante and Warsangeli.
PL only Cumar maxamud and Osman maxamud ran the place the rest are 5th column.
Warya that list is like the one in JL which Axmed blackie has.They are all apointees like affirmative action.This is patently false. Dhulbahante, a clan who isn't even apart of Puntland, has as many ministries as Mohamud Saleeban. They also control a third of the parliament and essentially choose our presidents.
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This is patently false. Dhulbahante, a clan who isn't even apart of Puntland, has as many ministries as Mohamud Saleeban. They also control a third of the parliament and essentially choose our presidents.
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