That's why poor countries are abused. Large un-employment rates leads to 'economical' slavery waryaa. You can make them do what you want as their hungry. You need strict 'socialist' policies when your 'poor' country so all business people are warned 'xafiis' ayaa furan ay 'shaqaaluhu' aadi karan either thru 'phone or in person' to report 'improper business practices' outside the laws of the land. That is doubt-ful this will happen in Mogadishu as everyone is up for 'sale'.
I hope PL leads the way to regulate the market place and ensure local or foreign businesses pay puntites labour a fair market wage, guarantee human rights work conditions, holiday/family/religious liberties are also negiotated between worker and employer.
A healthy PL workforce should be our 'vision' not a work-force who slave for 2 dollar a day, raped by managers, no legal laws to protect them as workers as each factory starts to throw and discard them on the streets if they are injured at work like lose an arm or leg. In 1800s industrial age( waqtiyadi warshadaha) this is what happened to westerners when rich people started to see they can enslave poor people by waving 'dollar' bills at them lol. At least 'hisbi' xoogan oo xaquuqda shaqaalaha ayaa uu soo baxay western world(democrats, labour, socialists) but not Somalia or any african shit hole.
@Jablibax gabar somaliyeed oo school aaday, daadashay, oo rabta inay noolal dhisato oo shaqo radsaato waxaa laga rabay 'dawladeeda' oo ay canshurteeda ku joggan inay sharciyan xoogan soo saaran 'workers legislations' oo shurud lagu xira ninka lacagta haysto iyo wixi laga rabo. It's 50/50 relationship.
After a govt is established and social services are delivered like schools, water, electricity, roads, hospitals. Marku meesha ka dhiigo meel 'jawi' ku haboon inay yimadan 'dad maalgabeeno ah' these people cannot just come and do what-ever they like, pimp the worker, slave them, rape them, make them work 20 hours a day. Wa inay dawladasi haysata 'worker vision' oo kamid ah qorsheeda shacab. Hadaysan qorshaheeda shacab 'cadaysan' waa loo 'sheegi' sida ka muuqato nagtani waxay la kaluntay such as 'give me blowjob before I interview you' lol.
If your govt doesn't provide laws to ensure your people are paid well, maal-gabeeno kasto yimado, his not sharing his wealth with the people he is making money from. The goal of the govt is to ensure each industry and sector inay at least basic 'wages' ku qoran tahay, worker conditions, hours, days, etc. Wa inay capitalist ogaadan this isn't 'free zone' to make money and leave, they must follow our worker policy so our locals can become 'financially independent' and sxb hadaysan taasi aqbalaynin, orodo iska taga meelaha shacabkooda lagu kufsado oo weliba lacag laga samaysto dhaha, that isn't long-term relationship between rich and poor.
Our govt goal is to ensure not only jobs for workers but jobs that can ensure our people wallets are better off before the rich man came. Hadaysan jeebkooda ka roonayn marki loo yimi, what's the point of inviting business people, isaga dan ku leh taas to 'reduce his costs and increase his profits' this will mean your workers don't benefit but only him and few corrupt officials who he 'bribes' to ensure no laws are passed to 'stricten' business and worker relationship
You got a capitalist(millionaire, billionaire) whatever, his 'rich' but he can't stay rich if he doesn't 'invest' into something to 'grow' it. The market 'grows' in prices so it's not in his interest for his money sitting in 'deep pit' somewhere, it will be worth nothing eventually. In-fact it can take 30-50 years before his money can't buy him even a 'loaf of bread' when it could've bought him factories if he invested at the right time.
You got a '' local(millions) like her, studied, hungry, wants a life.
Now what the f*ck has she got billions of other workers in the world don't? remember he isn't morally, ethically, idealogically, culturally, nationally tied to this sheet. It's all just business to him to keep that money 'floating' above inflation and the quicker it beats inflation the 'richer' he is.
This is me right now
Thinking what sort of capitalist should PL target, they are all in different fields and industries the rich people, the question is how do we set up our worker force to be attractive(education, technical skills, health standards, food security, infrastructure reliability) are paramount. What sort of deal should PL/Capitalist negiotate that is good for them and meets our 'worker' financial goals.
The last one is, how do we keep them here long-term so they don't come and go but base themselves here for long time.
@Jablibax a good standard to follow to determine a 'fair wage' for locals and businesses is to use the 30% rule. This assume each worker salary should be able to cover his rent/mortgage bill monthly and only cost them 30% of their wages while 70% is for food, utilities, children expenses, clothing, and maybe a little bit of 'savings'.
If the average rent in Garowe is $400 a month. You would assume the average worker salary as minimum should be $1100 a month which ensures their salary only 30% is dedicated to rent while the rest can be dedicated to 'monthly living expenses'. We need to even 'bracket' out age groups. U shouldn't need to pay 15-25 year old the same as someone 25 and above and family person. There is many factors involved, weli ma arag dawlada puntland oo ka hadasha waxani oo xaqiqatan uu bahan in si dhab looga hadlo si umadani waqtiga looga qaadin iyo maalgabeeno.
The Deni government shouldn't waste his time or business people time if he doesn't work this out, district by district as their not all economically the same story.
Just like working and living in missisipi vs new york isn't the same due to different levels of business/worker activities.
I love the mayor of garowe how he is committed to Garowe development(this is usually hard to find sxb in politician niin ay dhab ka tahay horumarka umaada, tiigey is another one) but I disagree strongly with him on his free market madness, i've heard him say it many times on TV.
I swear sometimes I don't know why he wants a 'market place with no rules' this is asking for abuses to happen. Wa inu aqriya 'waqtiyadi' warshadaha ama industrial age America and how the rich abused the poor because there was no government protecting their rights.
I am not socialist 100% lakin waqtiga ay Puntland jogto oo ah dawlad iyo umad soo korayso waxay uu bahan tahay dawlad difacda dadkeeda si uusan ninka lacagta haysan uu arkin meesha meel uu 'kharashkisa ku yarayo' iyo 'fa'idadisa' banki yar oo 'ribba' ah oo dibada gashto illa uu arko 'suuq' kale oo ku haboon 'lacag la geliyo kadib laga cararo' isago shan niin dawlada siiyo biil yar si uu dadkooda jirkooda uu isticmalo sida adoomaysigi waagi hore.
I disagree strongly with the mayor of garowe a free market is good idea for a market with high unemployment, haday yaran lahayd shaqo la'anta, xirfadaha iyo aqoonta shacabka badan laha, ha waa la oran kara markasi shacab iyo maalgabeeno iyaga 'negiotating' samayn karo oo dawlada inay faro geliso ama shurud saarto. But we are talking a pool of 60% unemployment rate, this is like a pimping heaven for a rich capitalist where he doesn't share his wealth according to some agreed principle.
We are not asking him to over-pay anyone but to take into consideration the market he is operating in, the worker expenses to live such as rent or mortgage, health expenses, food, clothing. Yaab niyahow malmahan heer waxaa la gaadhay dhinaca 'capitalismka' ama dadka difaaco maalgabeeno inu dadkani lacag ku filan noolasha keliya siiyo, xitaa kaas ayaa la dood gelinaya.
It's not even govt interest to have free market, they need 'controlled' market untill the market place matures ama canshuur fican kama soo noqonayso dad dhan 2 dollar la siiyay malinti, when the market matures with strong labor pool, I don't mind haday PL ka hadasho lessening the shurudo as the worker can defend himself with his knowledge levels, technical skills, and the abudance of jobs will mean he can come and go where he/she desires. But some free market lovers like the garowe mayor waxay aminsan yihin hadi shurudo iyo sharciyo xoogan la saaro ninka maalgabeenku inu iskaga tagayo meesha oo meel kale aadayo oo ganacsiga uu roon. This has some truth, lakin maxaa dan kugu jiro nin lacag kugu kor samaystay kadibna ka tagay markay suuqasi 'recession' ku dhacdo which is inevitable eventually market place waxaa ku dhaco 'recession' ama 'ganacsigi' ayaa tirada ka batay iyo customerki ma joggo
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