Mujaahidiinta sharafta leh soo gala

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Weeping for the Nation of 68
So we know Somalia is under wahabi and un occupation. And we know the secular mujahideen have no followers.
How can we put together a disciplined trustworthy revolutionary group that crushes Wahabis and the UN?


Secular :mjlol: Stay abroad and dream about how you'll take over Somalia at your local Starbucks :cryinglaughsmiley:

Agent 47

21st Divsion of Somali National Army
So we know Somalia is under wahabi and un occupation. And we know the secular mujahideen have no followers.
How can we put together a disciplined trustworthy revolutionary group that crushes Wahabis and the UN?
Join the Sufis liberation front:shaq:


No more Xijabya weyn
We have a large following, but its unorganized. We need to launch TV channels, radio shows, and websites that promulgate the vision of a secular and liberal Somalia. Towelheads do this fairly well. Women didn't wear that hideous bin bag in the 60s, 70s, or 80s. Its a recent development spurred by the civil war on which extremists have capitalised. They regard the laid back Islam that we had as jahiliyyah. We need to fight the propaganda war as well as the military one.

These sewer rats have to be exterminated.
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