Mudane Farmaajo’s Win will boost Alshabab

Its inevitable that Somalia becomes like Afghanistan if the cheese comes back .
Majority of shacab have lost trust in him .
Farmajos mooryan army will continue genocide on miskeen bajaajleys , students and elderly seniors in xamar.


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
If Farmajo gets relected we are doomed, Alshabaab is already getting stronger during the last five years of his regime and they are employeed at NISA, Alshabaab will definitely take Somalia over if Alshabaab we don't get rid of that Alshabaab symyptizer Farmaajo and qatar


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Guul Farmaajo he will destroy the cancer of Federalism and shall impose Centralism on all. The gareen states are just the begenning! Dastuur will be rewritten next ! Federalism is a TPLF Gabre project and must be destroyed. Their orphans shall weep..

If Farmajo gets relected we are doomed, Alshabaab is already getting stronger during the last five years of his regime and they are employeed at NISA, Alshabaab will definitely take Somalia over if Alshabaab we don't get rid of that Alshabaab symyptizer Farmaajo and qatar
Doomed kulaha, have some self respect bro, you can do anything if you put your mind to it, don’t let the boogeyman bully you :pachah1: