MRNA Vaccines Killing Young Athletes!


I like milk and potato.
This vaccine gotta be top 10 all time Ls. It don't protect against what it's suppossed to prevent AND it might leave you dead.

You gotta love the power of propaganda.
A vaccine (Pfizer) so safe that the safety study data wouldn't be fully released for the next 55 years lol. Nothing to see here, just take the science juice you antivax bigots! :lolbron:
I got my first shot 2 month ago before the omicron variant :jcoleno: Now the omicron variant is basically a cold. Damn these global elites!
You should've kept you cool sxb, the only way to win this game is to not play lol

But they will require it for travel, for work etc soon it will be mandated
You can travel if you have negative PCR test. It's a massive ballache, but you can get around the travel restrictions with a little extra planning. If my employer mandates it, then I'll look for another job. I'm getting bullied into putting my safety in jeopardy for a paycheck. Besides, my employer wouldn't exactly be very understanding if I develop an autoimmune disease, f*ck em :heh:
If you take it and you die you're probably a genetic dead end as well.
Not being able to fight off what amounts to the flu and getting Myocarditis/Pericarditis from an mRNA vaccine for which the safety data is buried for the next 55yrs is completely the same thing.
Get a grip mate :heh:


