MP Xidig from Jubaland announces candidacy for the Speaker of Parliament of the SFG!


How will he win if PL JL and NN are against him. It's simply impossible number wise.

I will tell you what xiddig has support from kenya they are pushing him for speaker so farmaajo cant run. No one cares if his qabiil despises him or what. What can ogaden despising him or not matter. Kenya support means he will get mucaaraad support especially JL mps. We will see.
is this the xiddig that used to be bribed by mx warlords in the 2000s? lol.


Somali, is a race
Maybe xiddig isnt the best choice because of his history of treachery toward Ogaden but, I feel his appointment for Speaker of Parliment might awaken more Ogaden and give them the courage to try for PM or Presidency in the future. I know other Og tried the presidency in the past but they werent as popular and well known as xiddig. In Sha Allah khair.
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This guy and his former friend Cabdi Cali Raage are the worst things to have happened to Maqaabul. All they did was divide maqaabul and enrich themselves and their close relatives. The should both be deported back to Kililka Shanaad where they come from. I never understood why Galti always represent badhaadhe when there are plenty of locals who can. Or is it the old "nin kaa hadal badan dhaxalkii hooyadaa ayuu ku dhaafiyaa"?

I agree with you brother, as a Reer Waamo native like myself I want to see more of our native people representing us in parliament. Guulaysta


