MP Xidig from Jubaland announces candidacy for the Speaker of Parliament of the SFG!

Marehans don't have control of a FMS either but Farmajo is Darod and he had foreign funding, which is all you need at the end of day. I can see someone like Gandhi or Madobe being a viable candidate. Absame have to shoot their shot and get in the game, a Darod securing the speaker position will set a bad precedent for us.

I believe you are not up to politics as xildhibaan Gandhi Allahu Naxaristo is no longer with us today. May Allah reward him with paradise Ameen.

Other than that. Ogadens trying their luck elsewhere sends a message that the 2 highest seats of power aren’t reserved for 2-3 subclans of Darood/Hawiye.

Mudulood iyo Majeerten isbahaysan iyo Mareexan iyo walaahooda Galgadud la mid ah miyaa la dhaawan karaa? The drawing board must be equalized.

4.5 gives some clans more leverage over others when it comes to power. Under the Darood Dictator called Farmaajo he removed all Absame from his cabinet and left us with a stooge who’s highest rank Was a C level!! Wasiirka Gaadiidka is the lowest of the low. Never again.
I believe you are not up to politics as xildhibaan Gandhi Allahu Naxaristo is no longer with us today. May Allah reward him with paradise Ameen.

Other than that. Ogadens trying their luck elsewhere sends a message that the 2 highest seats of power aren’t reserved for 2-3 subclans of Darood/Hawiye.

Mudulood iyo Majeerten isbahaysan iyo Mareexan iyo walaahooda Galgadud la mid ah miyaa la dhaawan karaa? The drawing board must be equalized.

4.5 gives some clans more leverage over others when it comes to power. Under the Darood Dictator called Farmaajo he removed all Absame from his cabinet and left us with a stooge who’s highest rank Was a C level!! Wasiirka Gaadiidka is the lowest of the low. Never again.
Damn you're right I have been out of the loop saxib, AUN to the professor he was different you can just tell.:wow:

You make valid points, the isbahaysi is undoubtedly a barrier for beesha. Best of luck inshallah you guys get your fair share.:salute:
Good to see Beesha Absame improving their political capabilities. For 30 years we have been 3rd wheeling and given fake promises in hopes of “Daroodniimo”. 2022 will be the year of Hope for Beesha Absame/Kuumade

Until Absame either gets the presidency or PM we are not wasting our votes on others!!

Fool Me once shame on you fool me twice shame on Me!
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Masha'Allahi its very good to see Beesha Ogaden working toward their Interest, you having one of these 3 Posts the Parliament Speaker, PM or the President will only help strengthen your hold on your State.

So Kudos to the Beesha Jubaland for their Political acumen.
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I respect your opinions Adeer but unlike you I am willing to take risks! Whether Xidig becomes speaker or not I will continue supporting our interest!
@Removed When it comes to Darood Representation Absame always gets the short end of the stick. I try to avoid my personal views with politics but this must change!
Of course Ugaas to each his own im personally a very risk averse person. Whats the possible reward of Xiddig as speaker in terms of our interest, I can think of many with Deni. We need more funding to fight AS, a completed constitution with state rights, greater border security with kenya for more porous borders, and isolation of centrists.

Since RX are toothless whoever is president will have complete control. Are we willing to give that for a speaker position? Im willing to have nothing in the current Benadir admin if it means they arent united behind another dictator. My sole focus is blossoming JL im happy with transportation ministry if my enemy the fgs is crippled or becomes an asset.
Of course Ugaas to each his own im personally a very risk averse person. Whats the possible reward of Xiddig as speaker in terms of our interest, I can think of many with Deni. We need more funding to fight AS, a completed constitution with state rights, greater border security with kenya for more porous borders, and isolation of centrists.

Since RX are toothless whoever is president will have complete control. Are we willing to give that for a speaker position? Im willing to have nothing in the current Benadir admin if it means they arent united behind another dictator. My sole focus is blossoming JL im happy with transportation ministry if my enemy the fgs is crippled or becomes an asset.

The speaker of parliament is a powerful seat if used properly. Raxaweyne was basically used as pawns but I don’t think an OG would allow such humiliation to befall upon him for he has a nation to seek support. If we manage to bring the right Hawiyes into power we can manage a Hawiye presidency.
I think this should be a tactic to get Deni to stop his campaign for the presidency and Absame gets Prime minister. If Deni is persistent we should take the high road. If you look at history Darood gave us more suffering than any other tribe. Know your true enemies Adeer. Also never trust Hawiye and stay vigilant but Darood is Number 1 nuisance.


i don't think farmaajo would say ohh xidig is speaker better not run for office. if a hawiye becomes speaker i doubt any of the hawiye candidates would give up.

anyway we are in a new era, agreements don't matter/ protocol does not matter/ constitution or law does not matter. There is zero chance that farmaajo would not compete even if the speaker is MX.


Forza Somalia!
Of course Ugaas to each his own im personally a very risk averse person. Whats the possible reward of Xiddig as speaker in terms of our interest, I can think of many with Deni. We need more funding to fight AS, a completed constitution with state rights, greater border security with kenya for more porous borders, and isolation of centrists.

Since RX are toothless whoever is president will have complete control. Are we willing to give that for a speaker position? Im willing to have nothing in the current Benadir admin if it means they arent united behind another dictator. My sole focus is blossoming JL im happy with transportation ministry if my enemy the fgs is crippled or becomes an asset.
Why the fgs is your enemy? What the hell with these ultra federalists
I think this should be a tactic to get Deni to stop his campaign for the presidency and Absame gets Prime minister. If Deni is persistent we should take the high road. If you look at history Darood gave us more suffering than any other tribe. Know your true enemies Adeer. Also never trust Hawiye and stay vigilant but Darood is Number 1 nuisance.
It’s good you are looking for your interests. Mashallah guuleysta
Better yet, why don't Absame put up a candidate for the Presidency who will have the backing of PL if they made it to the second or third round, instead of settling for the speaker position. Doesn't make sense to settle for third fiddle when we can have the two top positions.
I think Kenya and Ethiopa would never allow that, so when their meddling in Somalia is lessened, we will run for office of PM and president.
Right now, especially Ethiopia, they see us coming for galbeed, any ogaden president is a threat.
I think Kenya and Ethiopa would never allow that, so when their meddling in Somalia is lessened, we will run for office of PM and president.
Right now, especially Ethiopia, they see us coming for galbeed, any ogaden president is a threat.

You are not even Ogaden why are you trying to speak for us. TPLF Ethiopia no longer exists. If you look at Ethiopia PP cabinet you would find many Ogadens. Also we have stake in Kenya. Stop trying to speak on our behalf ina gumeed.


I welcome this move, Our country is diverse and it should show that in leadership positions :)


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