MP Raysal Qorane representing Caabudwaaq speaks up for the down trodden voiceless Rer Gedo concerning the floodings


Why is my MP Raysal Qorane from Caabudwaaq speaking up for Rer Gedo where are the Gedo MPs ?

Canadian Lol GIF


What's wrong with speaking up for the voiceless?
MP Raysal Qorane was not elected to be a charity worker for Gedo province, she was elected to represent her constituency in Caabudwaaq district.

The problem is Reer Gedo have 16 MPs why are they in office getting paid if my MP from Caabudwaaq is doing their work, THATS THE PROBLEM.

Remove those bastards who represent you, stop begging my MP.


I don’t see a problem here, Mx speaking up for another Mx. what do you expect from sos? Same nikka who disses his own Bah brothers
sheegato Marehan have 18 representative just in the lower house, each one has a constituency that they represent. Marehan is a massive clan, each MP represents a constituency.

Gedo use to have 10MPs but now they have 11 since the Rer Siyad ba'ayeeste horgals took Balanbale seat to Ceelqalow Kenya to be get re-selected fearing Rer Warsame Diini would take their seat.

My MP represents Caabudwaaq district and she is not a Gedodian charity worker. This is a matter of fact not a diss at Reer Gedo its problamatic she is picking up extra work because of the bums that represent Gedo.

As for "Bahs" bil asxanakum don't interfere in our Bah Ogaden vs Bah Hawiyo discussion you are sheegad claiming to be Celi maxaa adiga kaa galay ? larping as Celi while talking about Rer Diini sub groups could you be more obvious. :ftw9nwa:

Also I only diss horgal jifo never the xalaal jifo, have you ever seen me diss Rer Ahmed, Celi, Rer Siyaad Xuseen etc Marehan has 33 jifos its a massive clan I only ever dissed 2 of them.


I'm not just rer Gedo, I'm rer Sade , I own Kismaayo, Galgala mountains,saakow.
No you are Reer Gedo by citizenship but not the real Reer Gedo who are Reer Guri, and you are definitely not Rer Mudug.

Rer Mudug and Rer Guri denotes cultural distinction ! you are neither of those culturally but you are Reer Ceelgaab(Qalaafe-Shilaabo-Hiiraan) or in other words Sade Baari.

We talked about this, you have citizenship in Gedo today but you are not original inhabitants and you are not original inhabitants of Balanbale either. You moved to both from Ceelgaab over the course of 100 years mostly in 1950s.

Be proud to be Reer Ceelgaab stop the identity theft you are doing against Reer Gedo and Reer Mudug.
No you are Reer Gedo by citizenship but not the real Reer Gedo who are Reer Guri, and you are definitely not Rer Mudug.

Rer Mudug and Rer Guri denotes cultural distinction ! you are neither of those culturally but you are Reer Ceelgaab(Qalaafe-Shilaabo-Hiiraan) or in other words Sade Baari.

We talked about this, you have citizenship in Gedo today but you are not original inhabitants and you are not original inhabitants of Balanbale either. You moved to both from Ceelgaab over the course of 100 years mostly in 1950s.

Be proud to be Reer Ceelgaab stop the identity theft you are doing against Reer Gedo and Reer Mudug.
πŸ˜‚ There are no rer ugaas Sharmarke in Qoraxay Ethiopia. We settled in Cadado, when specifying our lands in Galmudug . I I never claimed my rer migrated from mudug. We also had settlements north and west of Buhoodle. That's why dabcasar claims historical links to daraawiish.


I’m a proud celi naya, but we know u ain’t mx at the end of the day we are all sheegatos Soo mahan πŸ˜‰
Everytime you claim to be Celi you are committing a huge sin according to Islamic law, abtirsiga wax laga been sheego ma ahan I have reprimanded you many times hoping you would change your ways.

Now you can't feign ignorance anymore, I am done with you, claiming a jifo that isn't yours goes against Islam, you are a liar and I can't believe you are Marehan as a result. Good riddance sheegato.
Everytime you claim to be Celi you are committing a huge sin according to Islamic law, abtirsiga wax laga been sheego ma ahan I have reprimanded you many times hoping you would change your ways.

Now you can't feign ignorance anymore, I am done with you, claiming a jifo that isn't yours goes against Islam, you are a liar and I can't believe you are Marehan as a result. Good riddance sheegato.
I’m a proud celi mx sister,

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

#Puntlandfirst. #PIM
We all know without wagardhac and Reer Siyad keeping hordes from the huturaki sea at bay, Cabuudwaaq would've been overrunned by now.

:wow: They are the night's watch of W Galgaduud.


πŸ˜‚ There are no rer ugaas Sharmarke in Qoraxay Ethiopia. We settled in Cadado, when specifying our lands in Galmudug . I I never claimed my rer migrated from mudug. We also had settlements north and west of Buhoodle. That's why dabcasar claims historical links to daraawiish.
stick to the topic, the Rer Ugas Sharmaake Horgal MP Faadumo Nine elected in Ceelqalow at least spoke about the fatahaad maanta Horgalada Rer Ugas Sharmaake ma haysti.

what about the horgal Rer Siyaad ? who is the MP that stole the Balanbale seat and took it to Ceelqalow, why isn't he speaking about the Fatahaad.

Lets scrutinize the horgal MPs and the two Horgal clans who together are a thorn in Marehan back, waryaa cibaadeyso.


We all know without wagardhac and Reer Siyad keeping hordes from the huturaki sea at bay, Cabuudwaaq would've been overrunned by now.

:wow: They are the night's watch of W Galgaduud.
Reer Siyaad horgals ran away from Balanbale they are no longer Reer Balanbale the DC and kuxigeen are Rer Warsame and Rer Koshin.

Lets be frank majority of Balanbale is Bah Ogaden mainly Rer Dalal and Rer Maxamuud Gulled + Bah Hawiyo Reer Koshin, Rer Nuur, Rer Shirwac and Rer Warsame, the gypsy Rer Siyaad live in the town and don't venture outside it.

Inshallah they will be excluded from Afar Waaxod since their treachery of taking a Balanbale seat to Ceelqaalow it highlighted their minority gypsy status in Balanbale.


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