Most Somali adult men are fucked up.

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Men are asleep but at death they will awake!
I’m either a dude or a super horny lesbian cuz I’ve been talking about girls a lot

@Shushue somali elders in Copenhagen have sharaf, and arent sniffing cocaine, or chewing khat in public transport at least of what i've seen

Jake from State Farm

We pro xalimo all 2019
Shit has gotten worse with alot of Somali guys in Oslo. Since there's no jaad here anymore, alot of them are resorting to cocain and shit.
Stay off drugs fam.

Stay in school and get that money

I’m trying to go to Norway in the future and meet up with you so we can f*ck es.

We can’t do that if you are broke and in prison.


Somalis in scandivia are kurdish workers and pimped by afghans and iraqis. How you the blacks of scandavia and not feared
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