Moryan Indhacade Interview


@bidenkulaha the GDP is livestock sales n remittance not fuckin hamar producing nothing. Hard dollars come from there not 1 dollar ppl that u created.
Who said anything about Xamar? Regardless given you brought it up Xamar is the economic powerhouse of Somalia as you can see in the taxes raised and increasing migration from all parts of Somalia. But for sure it’s not the only place that has seen increasing living standards despite the war and Barre overthrow. Why anyone wants a communist society that lived on hand outs from the soviet with no economy back I don’t know.

Half my relatives fled Somalia in the 80s before even the war got anywhere near Xamar because of how bad the economy was. Now many of those people are back, investing and making great money.

Somalis didn't need telecoms, the only reason they boomed is due to refugee you guys produced nation wide till today.
I don’t see how anyone can say Somalia was in a good era under Barre. If you want to see a comparison, look at Eritrea. We’d be a worse version of it today if he stayed. But now we have a thriving economy and Somalia is growing. Whereas Eritreans are fleeing that hellhole where there’s zero private sector and massive human rights abuses as there’s no freedom of speech or democratic process. A safe and secure Somalia but also democratic and post qabyaalad isn’t out of reach.

There’s a reason Xabeshis are moving to Somalia despite the under development and perceived instability. Because there’s a thriving market and anyone is free to invest in Somalia and make money.


Who said anything about Xamar? Regardless given you brought it up Xamar is the economic powerhouse of Somalia as you can see in the taxes raised and increasing migration from all parts of Somalia. But for sure it’s not the only place that has seen increasing living standards despite the war and Barre overthrow. Why anyone wants a communist society that lived on hand outs from the soviet with no economy back I don’t know.

Half my relatives fled Somalia in the 80s before even the war got anywhere near Xamar because of how bad the economy was. Now many of those people are back, investing and making great money.

I don’t see how anyone can say Somalia was in a good era under Barre. If you want to see a comparison, look at Eritrea. We’d be a worse version of it today if he stayed. But now we have a thriving economy and Somalia is growing. Whereas Eritreans are fleeing that hellhole where there’s zero private sector and massive human rights abuses as there’s no freedom of speech or democratic process. A safe and secure Somalia but also democratic and post qabyaalad isn’t out of reach.

There’s a reason Xabeshis are moving to Somalia despite the under development and perceived instability. Because there’s a thriving market and anyone is free to invest in Somalia and make money.

What taxes raised, show me a closed budget not fony forecasts at the beginning of the year. The only govt in the world who doesnt close his budget ba tahay becuz it's fake aand 99% AID not taxes. The more aid u need means the poorer u r as a people. FACT CHECK

U can't even train your soldiers, govt officials paid for by budget support, where is these 'taxes' show us the 'receipts' and audit trail in a closed budget so we can see it, till then you have a fake budget that doesnt exist or can be proven.


What taxes raised, show me a closed budget not fony forecasts at the beginning of the year. The only govt in the world who doesnt close his budget ba tahay becuz it's fake aand 99% AID not taxes. The more aid u need means the poorer u r as a people. FACT CHECK
There’s loads of reports on the Ministey of finance now since the new government came to power. Unfortunately the last government showed zero transparency and didn’t even pass the budget through parliament.

This is the consolidation report for October 2022.



There’s loads of reports on the Ministey of finance now since the new government came to power. Unfortunately the last government showed zero transparency and didn’t even pass the budget through parliament.

This is the consolidation report for October 2022.

View attachment 253573

Where is the 'expenditure report' so we can verify where it went and if those funds r 'real'. 32 million a month in hamar?, why is it 99% of all ur budgets is always foreign donors then. U shouldnt need donor becuz PL doesn't and apparently is 9 million a month.

Hamar expenditure report cant be shown becuz that can be followed to the office n counted where it went.



$247 million is 'forecasted' for you. 73% is covered by donors


Notice key word 'expected' not 'proven' untill budget is closed. The budget is never closed in hamar so their is no evidence.


Where is the 'expenditure report' so we can verify where it went and if those funds r 'real'. 32 million a month in hamar?, why is it 99% of all ur budgets is always foreign donors then. U shouldnt need donor becuz PL doesn't and apparently is 9 million a month.

Hamar expenditure report cant be shown becuz that can be followed to the office n counted where it went.

The day to day running of the government, like paying the salaries of civil servants, politicians and the army etc can be covered by the money raised from taxes. But we don’t have enough money for capital spending hence why we need donors as a country. That will change once we are allowed to borrow to invest in critical infrastructure and areas where the government can see a return from.


@bidenkulaha plus budget don't mean shit waryaa, what matters is 'tax rate' hamar has higher tax rate doesnt mean it's richer then PL who has low taxes. Even our checkpoint charge 50 bucks for 3 months, while ur moryans charge 50 bucks for one driver.

We don't collect taxes 1000 times for the same person and vehicle, while u do over galkayo to hamar road.


Imagine PL doubled our tax rate on everything like HAG does. Just an example is the isbaaros over the same road they pay 500 dollars, while in PL same road n better condition they pay 50 bucks for 3 months. So your not being accurate @bidenkulaha anyone can boost up tax rate. U do the same at the port n airport also. U do this becuz u have to pay corruption money to moryans into calculation.

HAG destroyed Somalia, they destroyed and looted all the factories, sold our naval assets, metals, wires, electrical works and so on to the Middle East and North Africa.

Isaaq and Darood accepted an Ali Mahdi government, but Aideed and his jealousy/paranoia couldn't take it, and decides to wage war on not only his own clansmen, but in implicated in targetted minorities.

'continuation of Siad Barre's regime indirectly'

Either he was paranoid or was jealous Abgaal got to be head of government, which all Somalis supported unequivocally.


He then gets taken out by some ciyaal wielding AK-47s, the ceeb.
@DR OSMAN a lot of statistics like GDP, esp. in Africa cannot be trusted for around the time period but in this case let's say it was true. Jon Snow and other Europeans who visited Somalia at the time can attest it was better off than other in SSA, which made them believe the Somali Gov at the time was defrauding the intl. community. I have a feeling the old government lied to Westerns inorder to get more aid, which is understandable. The current GDP is nothing to brag out. There is no manufacturing, there are no locally made products made. Majority of whatever is left that contributes to todays "Somali" economy is livestock export from PL. I will compare some things of todays "Somalia" with Siyaad's Somali Republic.

1. Somalia's current GDP is 79-80% foreign aid and remittance. Here is proof. Thank you @Thegoodshepherd for sharing this. Even with the cheap Chinese and western imports model, no is really making money. It's still all mostly foreign aid and remittance.



2. Somalia under Siyaad was able to avoid the largest famine and drought in the HoA - in 1974-76 MILLIONS of Ethiopians died while Somalis were evacuated and saved. There was also a mass effort to fight desertification that worked when even westerners said it was an impossible task

3. Somalia's economy was semi-planned and allowed for capitalism and trade. Land was never taken from people, livestock was not taken from people, it was the contrary, these things were subsides and encouraged to help increase production and led to more taxes being collected. Only things such as the country's resources were partly state-owned. According to this Somalia was 44 instead of 8, putting above Ethiopia, Nigeria and many others at the time. This system was not "socialism" or "communism" as people like to believe it. It was something close to the Chinese system of today, a mixed bag where a party rules by force but is efficient. It was align and conform or be destroyed. An iron fist rule that prioritize state's well being over others. This is one of the reasons I am not fond of his rule.


4. Again here is another example of adjusting for inflation, we were way better off in port use and management. For example Siyaad gave a 10 year lease of partial use of a the port that was built in Berbera. The lease was for the American military, in which each year the paid a substantial amount of money. The port itself was sold for a measly $120 million for 30 years by Siylano and the FGS to the UAE in 2014, now for comparison, like I said we adjust for inflation, the port was making $100 million ALONE from American military use, if we add regular import/export/docking etc for businesses that would add another 40-50 million a year. After delcaring their ""independence"..why didn't Issaqs use the port in 30 years and have it contribute to their economy like Siyaad did??? They waited nearly 30 years to just sell it to the UAE for pennies. This is mind blowing
I talked about it in this thread and did the math in the post below ↓
You have too much cuduud for PL, why not be happy and congratulate your brothers instead of hating? You're going to die from ciil. Anyways what's there to brag about? When @Dalalos_ibn_Adali & @TekNiKo built this port for you over 40 years ago you were making 40-80 million a year from the US alone from it (40 million back then = $98,967,831 today if we adjust for inflation), instead today it was sold to emirates for a measly $120 million *investment* (which is probably in Silyanos bank accounts right now) for 30 years and 65% port ownership. You got robbed in broad daylight, you could've had dahabshill and somtel fund this project and hire independent contractors, it would've cost way less than the $400 million initial investment figure DP World estimated it at, but I guess you were itching for some quick qaat so you were impatient and had to get a quick fix.

Anyways did DP World even expand the Berbera Port at all? As @DR OSMAN pointed out that not a single inch was added. Also, I'm curious to as to if you are still using the same bridges that @Dalalos_ibn_Adali, @Yankee @Woosh & @TekNiKo built for you in the past, here in PL we've managed you build our own roads instead of relaying on the old stuff those guys built

5. POVERTY was lower than all other SSA African countries. This is what Siyaads game plan was, it was to turn Somalia into a food producing nation capable of feeding itself and becoming an export in food. It was initially working from my understanding.
My people are better off today than they were under the loser kaafir Siad who tried to change verses of the Holy Quran. We dont miss him, thank god he died on foreign soil humiliated and bitter just like the pathetic Beerlaawe. And I hope the autistic loser from Buffalo follows suit.

He killed the Islamic Elders, then the 2 plans crashed in the air. He killed MJ, HG, ISSAQ, and anyone else he was paranoid of, his own wife was advising him " MAMA Kadeja ", she sent alot of innocent men to Godka for random stuff.

I honestly wish the civil war didn't happened because he died in 1995, if we waiting just a few more years he would of been dead and we would of had a Political Transition. This is why ADEN ADDE will always be the best President that Somalia ever had.
He killed the Islamic Elders, then the 2 plans crashed in the air. He killed MJ, HG, ISSAQ, and anyone else he was paranoid of, his own wife was advising him " MAMA Kadeja ", she sent alot of innocent men to Godka for random stuff.

I honestly wish the civil war didn't happened because he died in 1995, if we waiting just a few more years he would of been dead and we would of had a Political Transition. This is why ADEN ADDE will always be the best President that Somalia ever had.
He was paranoid with power and ruled with an Iron fist. He even arrested members of his own subclan out of paranoia. The car accident made him crazy. Also Aden Adde was one of the many hundreds of Oday politicians from various clans across Somaliweyn who tried to bring reconciliation before Siyaad even fled. This why I always no one will compare to the generations of Somalis who fought and gain freedom. We are pathetic compared to them. They fought for a strong united country and we fight to divide a country and operate on lower level clannism and tribalism.
He was paranoid with power and ruled with an Iron fist. He even arrested members of his own subclan out of paranoia. The car accident made him crazy. Also Aden Adde was one of the many hundreds of Oday politicians from various clans across Somaliweyn who tried to bring reconciliation before Siyaad even fled. This why I always no one will compare to the generations of Somalis who fought and gain freedom. We are pathetic compared to them. They fought for a strong united country and we fight to divide a country and operate on lower level clannism and tribalism.

Agreed, The people older than us really fucked over the country with their " narrow interests" that as lead us down 30+ years of fighting. It pains me till this day

Siyaad destroyed our ARMY with that 77 war, we had captured OG but instead of holding and defending the idiot told the army to break formation and attack Addis, If you look at the Russian Attack on the Ukrainian Capital and how they failed the same thing happened to us. He stretched our troops and had Tanks and Amor without infantry support. On top of that you had Cubans bombing us and sending paratroopers to flank our troops.

He came back from the War and started attacking Somalis because Ethiopia was funding and training all his enemies. He was afraid of being Killed in his own house like the Former President, The country spiraled out of control as the years passed He attacked MJ, Hg, and Issaq in the 80s. 90's he left in a tank and cursed the Country.
Agreed, The people older than us really fucked over the country with their " narrow interests" that as lead us down 30+ years of fighting. It pains me till this day

Siyaad destroyed our ARMY with that 77 war, we had captured OG but instead of holding and defending the idiot told the army to break formation and attack Addis, If you look at the Russian Attack on the Ukrainian Capital and how they failed the same thing happened to us. He stretched our troops and had Tanks and Amor without infantry support. On top of that you had Cubans bombing us and sending paratroopers to flank our troops.

He came back from the War and started attacking Somalis because Ethiopia was funding and training all his enemies. He was afraid of being Killed in his own house like the Former President, The country spiraled out of control as the years passed He attacked MJ, Hg, and Issaq in the 80s. 90's he left in a tank and cursed the Country.
The was is a very complicated subjected. I will try to explain without being bias towards either side:

The reason they needed or wanted to go to Addis was to ensure Mengistu himself declare the territory to be free. After losing the war, there was a coup attempt by Irro and a few soldiers (mostly MJ's) this made Siyaad paranoid and then he started thinking in terms of Clannism/Tribalism and surrounded himself with Issaqs, he used these same Issaq to go to Mudug and Nugaal, poison wells, rape women, and kill over 1000+ people. One of the current SL army generals is one of the guys who was participating in the killings. This what caused AY (AUN) to escape to Syria and Kenya and the creation of SSDF.

The problem with the war is it would've been won if they didn't accept verbally commitment from the US for support, it should've been signed. This why they were so confident in winning that Radio Muqdisho was talking about the army would celebrate Eid in Addis Ababa, they even had plans drafted for rail line and other things before the war was even won because they were so confident in winning. I mean who wouldn't be, at the time the Soviets didn't jump the gun yet and were only sending weapons to Ethiopia. When they fully got involved and landed there with the generals and the cubans+yemenis that's when things got a little bad. however like I said earlier, if the US did provide weapons, all that land we took would've been held. Jimmy Carter (one of the worse presidents in US history) could've changed the outcome of this war with 1 signature. I wish Richard Nixon was president when the war began, he was a crazy president and would send weapons to anyone who allied themselves with America. He sent Pakistan weapons after them asking one time and it led to a genocide of over 3 million Bengalis.
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