More Somaliland region soldiers defect to Caare army

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Saalax Bidaar

Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness
Sxb don't be delusional he has the skill ,traning but does not have the man power/weapons

SL lobby is too strong PL aid will be cut off for funding Militia /Militants and bringing war to the North.
In time he will have enough man power. Patient is a virtue. We are in for the long haul.
El Liberator Caare does require some big political defections to complement the Force, can't just be a rebel without a follow up plan :nvjpqts:


With blood and Iron will we reach the fatherland
Caare is a decorated military veteran very valuable. I doubt Sland has anyone his caliber from Pland. Caare is not part of Pland but they are allied for the moment.
What is the man's goals? does he want power within Somaliland or to end Somaliland as a whole?
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