More Mature Beyond Her Age

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Somali parents don't interact with their children and they don't allow them to express themselves and yet they
wonder why a lot of Somali kids suffer from Autism
That is a good point, KS. Not only do Somali parents not interact with their kids and let them express themselves, even when they realize that some kids are very curious and more mature than their peers, they get told to shut up in the presence of elders and be passive listeners. It seems our culture has a lot to do with some of the negative traits we were brought up with.

Queen Carawelo

Somali parents and amuus nayaa/waryaa maxa kala heysta.

All I heard yesterday during Eid prayer was amuus, wasaq, bastard, waan ku dilaya when we get home. How do they expect their kids to have manners when the mothers are speaking like this, how can someone call their own child bastard, how can a mother utter that ugly word to an innocent child. And they wonde why most kids run away from home, and how they won't spend time with them later on.

I thank Allah swt each and every night for my parents and how they raised us and the environment they raised us in.

I couldn't help but smile when I first saw the above video. That child is smarter than most adults.
You can see sometimes how disappointed and frustrated the poor little kids are from their looks when told 'aamus wasaqyahow'. May be all those bottled-up emotions of anger and frustration of not being able to express oneself is what turns us into violent, hard-headed people when we become adults. lol

Seriously though, Somalis need to change the way they bring up their children. That's the most crucial and important time of the child's life and what they are internalize at that age will probably have a bigger impact on how they will turn out and behave in their adulthood. And to realize that, there needs to be a grassroots campaign to educate both parents of young children, as well as the young people who are still single today and will one day become parents themselves. Of course every culture has some good and bad stuff and ours has its own positive aspects but we need to approach the way we interact with young people differently and put the shoe and cursing aside for now.


i loved this video! but honestly, are Asians any different than us? i mean, don't they employ the same upbringing and discipline to their kids? same unrealistic expectations?

funny but related
Asians back in Asia and first generation parents are somehow similar to us and can be quite tough in disciplining their children. And yeah, it can have negative impact on the children, which is what I was trying to say above.


The way parents may interact with their kids does not cause autism.
this is somspot where logic and common sense is thrown out the window!
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