Money in marriage

Me and a friend of mine who is a girl are debating. Let’s assume the wife in a marriage got 10k mehr and a good wedding. Would you make her sign a prenup? (Prenup meaning if you divorce she takes nothing that you paid for and gets 0 money out of you). I’m saying it’s perfect so your not marrying a gold digger, she’s saying what about future children and etc. Even though the man can take the kids, thoughts?


Flying over your heads
If you worried about the whole money thing, just aroos the Islamic way and don't involve the gov.

Personally, I would have to teach my woman how to make money so that she can spoil herself. If I don't have a blueprint, I would wait with marrying and focus on getting the blueprint proper.
In case if I die prematurely or we divorce, she won't be out there acting desperate and she can give the game to my yutes so they won't need the streets or onlyfans. That's how I would want my kids to remember their father.