Momentary silence. #fallen soldiers


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening

You miskeen peeps are in my prayers 😭🙏🏾
I release to this... making eye contact itself is very difficult may Allah cure me of this disease I’m sick of this I just want to be normal.
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smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
I release to this... making eye contact itself is very difficult may Allah cure me of this disease I’m sick of this I just want to be normal. #SadNiggaHours
I can’t imagine being awkward please share your thoughtful experiences. #AsliTheTherapist :pachah1:


To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
Drain the above list in toilet. Just be confident in yourself and radiate energy from within. People will flock to you like bees to flowers. If you are shy, meditate and change your subconsciousness.
I can’t imagine being awkward please share your thoughtful experiences. #AsliTheTherapist :pachah1:
People look at me all weird and shit. When they talk to me like I said I fail to even look at them with some confidence. Constantly getting asked why I’m so quiet. Life is difficult.


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
People look at me all weird and shit. When they talk to me like I said I fail to even look at them with some confidence. Constantly getting asked why I’m so quiet. Life is difficult.
Is it your appearance or is it the way you carry yourself? Because I know for a fact that if you say to compliment yourself it becomes reality.

fun fact: you can accidently give yourself evil eye. Say to yourself that you’re confident instead of letting people’s opinions get to you
I used to be super shy and am still a little bit shy. But in new settings I just smile at everyone and say hello. (I have a great smile.)

You'd be surprised how often people feel the same. Theirs been moments were I felt super awkward and felt like I made a fool pf myself only to be told. You come across as really confident.

If your finding it uncomfortable to do eye contact then look at their forehead and eyebrows and do not stare. When in doubt smile and mention the weather.
People look at me all weird and shit. When they talk to me like I said I fail to even look at them with some confidence. Constantly getting asked why I’m so quiet. Life is difficult.

Give yourself daily positive affirmations, "I am important", "I am unique", "I am powerful".
Also use power poses when you do this. Do it every morning after prayers and duah.

I am 100% sure you can overcome this but you must believe it yourself.

