Mogadishu The Great


Watch that guy at 5:55 and how looks 'bewildered and stunned' wax ba loo sheegay my dad said

He told me back in the old days, when u learned something u kept it. Since learning wasn't a big part of the culture, it was pure 'economics' and raising your livestocks ama 'ganacsi' dhinaca xeebaha. It was urban or rural cultural methods of operating. No nation state at all or any attempt of uniting them till 'sayid' came.

But anyways my dad said 'cawaan' isn't a problem because he said there was this guy called 'shidaad cigaal' in old PL, an issa mahmoud after he saw everyone beating him in every field, he said 'i promise to be biggest fuley' and let ppl learn about my fuleynimo. My dad said 'wax ba naga soo kordhay' cay ma aha sida idinku uu aragtan, iyagu 'cilmi cay uma arkan'.

Like for example when 'caare' guy in hamar told him, dadki waa eber manta, my dad said why u do this to yourselves and the nation? nation wuxu ka wada why u didn't send them to us and we protect them in PL, ileen waa wax 'somali' ku soo kordhin kara, we will keep 'dhaxaling' across all the somali lands we don't care who it is to keep the forefront. That's why he was angry they killed their best n brightest, it's not tribal at all, he wanted that for PL so we can keep a stronger 'base' for his own 'clan', because MJ 'adapt' it's common gene in all of them as long as their is 'benefit' for the 'hadaf of somalinimo'. It's how I adapt constantly to mental illness, kuma ragaadayo 30 sano 'toos ah'.

Anyways him n that caare 'joked' and my dad gave him that 'look' at 5:55 mark when 'caare' exclaimed 'well we will be the master of the jungles' i guess. My dad said what u mean, he said 'cawaanku' ma xuma wa hadi ay ku heeshin karan in 'caawanimada' mabdac laga dhigto meaning the cawaan sharci waa gaba isma cunan wayna nool yihin. My dad gave him that face and said 'warheedhe' wa sheekadi shidaad cigaal ee nugaal marku wax kasto uu yaabay ayuu boos banan ka dhigtay inu master ka noqdo, wax kale ayaaba ii soo kordhisay and 'left' meaning tarikhda 100 sano soo socoda waa laga hadli doona 'burburka' somaliyeed iyo masterkisa. That's when he realized bahasha hawiye wa kulul tahay adeer, its like mj losing everything they built up in knowledge in 4 months GONE.

Thats why my dad tells me iyagu ha heeshiyeen, maxay somali afkooda ku wada sheegan mar walbo, he said bahasha aan ku ogga raggasi uma eeka mid 100 sano dhamaadi kara. U guys think mj n sacad hate each other u r wrong, not the ppl of before. Maybe inyar omar mahmoud arimo degaan iyo isku tur tur ah, its not major deal buu yiri kaa. It was always around that stuff even in bari waa soo jiitama waxasi but not to the point disaster levels.

Whic his true cuz they had 'xad' everywhere in hamar, like animals do in the jungle, isma cuni jirin, dadkana waa is dhex gali jireen illa 'habeenki' la gaadho, u go back xafadada cawaanka aad ka timid. My dad was suprised and spent months learning hikmadani cawaanka iyo noolashooda si loo digtonaado mustaqbalka iyo wax laga barto ma aha in la caayo
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My dad told him u should of 'is dhiib like ssdf' hadi aaba garanayseen inay waxani saan uu socoto, he replied the 'damage waa done' hada. My dad said he looked cawaanka in jungle and he knows what 'caare' meant. They can live like this forever, look at the jungle, it's clear warning sign 'tashada idinku' oo wax noo keena akhirki.

My laffed and said to me if they only used their expertise in lawlessness in places all over the world and just let PL lead them so they can achieve that in the future, waaba arin kale. Aduunka waa buuxa meelo noocasi ah ama meelo sidasi ku socoto ama ku dambayn doonto

Everything is knowledge to the old people, not to our generation tho. Like anything pretty much
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