Mogadishu Opens Brick-Laneway


Sawiro:Maamulka Gobalka Banaadir oo xariga ka jaray wado Bulikeeti ah
20th October 2020 admin Somali News 0


Guddoomiye ku xigeynka maamulka iyo maaliyada Mudane Axmed Xasan iimaan ayaa xariga ka jaray wado 700 mitir ah oo dhawaan maamulka gobalka banaadir saaray interlock wadadaan ayaa laga hirgaliyay degmada warta nabadda ee gobolka banaadir.

Munaasabada xarig jarka waxaa ku wehlinayay guddoomiye ku xigeenka arrimaha bulshada gobolka Marwa Basmo Camir Jakeeti, guddoomiyaha degmada warta nabadda Seynab Maxamed Warsame (Xaabseey) iyo guddoomiyaha Ururka haweenka gobolka Banaadir Jawaahir Barqab.

Dhismaha wadadaan ayaa ka dambeysay kadib cabasho ka timid dadka shacab ee xaafada iyadoo uu ka muuqdar bur bur xooggan hase ahaare waxaa kaloo qeyb-ka ah leerarka cadceeda ku shaqeeya ee soolarka oo laga horgaliyay hareeraha wadada si bilicda wadada kor loogu qaado.

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Great job Mogadishu. I prefer Brick style also compared to Cobblestone anyday. U can see how astethically pleasing brick is to cobble when u look at this vs bayhabo. I hope PL does this also. These are the type of lane-ways I want to see in PL, especially around neighborhood lane-ways.


Looks great!

That's why I prefer brick, it's very beautiful in comparison to cobble and apparently cobble is more expensive also. I think the duration of life is about the same for both also. The brick laying machine only costs 7k sxb, we can get each neighborhood to pay for the bricks in their area and PL govt will pay for the equipment and labour involved. Govt/Community partnership
That's why I prefer brick, it's very beautiful in comparison to cobble and apparently cobble is more expensive also. I think the duration of life is about the same for both also. The brick laying machine only costs 7k sxb, we can get each neighborhood to pay for the bricks in their area and PL govt will pay for the equipment and labour involved. Govt/Community partnership

Sounds like a great plan! You should send that machines detail and the idea you have to the mayor via Twitter.