Mix race brings nothing but confusion

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My mom is white Canadian and my dad Somali. No confusion about whatsoever here, it depends on how the parents raise the child.
I think it all comes down to how your parents raised you and the Kind of family dynamics you had around you in childhood.
There's gonna be a lot of half-indhayars walking around soon. Judging by how often I see cadaan man/indhayar woman couples.
Half indhoyar half white look like this for your information:
Don’t forget reer Kpop Somalis ain’t safe either

Nah, indhayar love them some cadaan men. I don't even think there are more than 5 Somali/indhayar couples in the whole world. Everywhere I walk in London, I see indhayar woman/cadaan man. Interestingly, I rarely see the opposite.:hmm:
I know plenty who aren't confused and live their lives like any other people. Why should they be? Not everything in our lives revolves around race.
Half blacks generally look much better than the average full white. These whiteys should thank blacks for adding some color into their ancestry.

I hate people mixing with whites because their race only improves.

We need to stop making these Neanderthals more sun resistant. The melanin deficient must be subjected to the harsh burn of UV rays.

Half blacks generally look much better than the average full white. These whiteys should thank blacks for adding some color into their ancestry.

Half West African half White kids tend to be a complete dice roll. You can get a beyonce or Icejjfish.

There are loads of mixed people in London and their numbers are growing fasst. Sometimes you'll see some fitties walking wih their absolutely beat mothers. But overall for non-trash whites.... no chance.
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