Misogynist goes on a rampage, stabs 5 Women in Australia, including a baby.

Wtf, is up with that, maxaa ka khaldan dadka qaarkood, qaraca waalan. Its crazy cos he seems well adjusted from his pictures, you can never know
This nasty coward, purposefully murdered women, and even stabbed a baby girl. He ran past all the men in the mall, to do this.

"Mental illness", but he was sane enough, to differentiate between men and women during his killing spree.

This reminds me of that one shooter who was killing blacks in a mall. He aimed at a white then lowered the rifle and said sorry to him.

Did anyone see the unhinged rant from right wing twitter when they swore he was Muslim? Now they’re mute
Those people don’t actually care about the victims, that’s why they’re silent. They can’t push their agenda anymore.

You shouldn’t believe anything that comes from them, these people don’t care about victims or public safety or whatever else they profess. Notice they only care when a minority is involved? They’re just looking for an excuse to attack minorities.

