

Hakuna matata
My cousin has been sick since last year, he went to the doctors and they said he has cancer in his stomach.They treated him with medications and it worked for a short period, a month later the cancer returned, we thought it was impossible to treat the cancer and he was going to eventually die. So my uncle spoke with a good friend of his if he can help and orgsnise a sheikh to read Quran over him, you all will be surprised, one week of reciting Quran on my cousin he had severe diarrhea, it was disgusting and smelly it was like sewage water according to my uncle. My cousin also had jinns speaking out of him and the jinns spoke and said someone did black magic on him.

Now he's 80/100% better, Quran recitation will continue untill he's fully cured.

Please make duaa for him he recovers.
so did he have jinn
or was it sixir
mise waa cancer?


