MINNEAPOLIS kill another INNOCENT Black man


Minister of Propaganda
You guys are derailing this thread. Please stick to the topic at hand a black man brutally murdered in his home. Have some respect‼️

Wallahi you’re right bro, I would like to apologise. I shouldn’t have derailed this thread from what is obviously a tragedy.

For a good while, I completely forgot what this thread was about.

Mods feel free to delete my posts.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Bro stfu and watch the video
1. He was asleep
2. The warrant wasn’t for him
3. He doesn’t have any criminal record
4. He never pointed the gun on them
5. He woke up then a second later was killed

racist ass, just because you converted doesn’t change the fact that you’re probably still racist to black people Mr. Latino

Yes, I need to support blm Marxist stuff or I am racist supposedly. It can't possibly be that Latin people have tons of experience with marxism and are fed up with it. I'm against Marxism whether it's in Venezuela or in the US. While I'm on the subject of this kind of thing, I'd like to mention I really dislike MLK. I have no desire to interact with white people. Malcolm X was better.

Anyways, Marxism is a poison that destroys the people who adopt it. If a community of people adopts Marxism- it destroys them from the inside. It's funny to me, I get called a racist because I want the community in question not to destroy themselves. If I was really out to get them, I would be happy with them destroying themselves.
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Guy had no chance , was startled by the loud noise and they kicked his couch, he didnt even have a chance to look up and his gun was no raised. This is madness.
Fucking hell sxb, that was a straight up execution, there's literally nothing he could've done to be prevent the shooting. 10/10 LaNd Of tHe fREe hOmE oF tHE bRaVe police behaviour.
I feel bad, for the first few seconds you wake up u can’t comprehend anything, man they opened the door quietly, this one definitely need a murder charge!!
Why are Minneapolis police trigger happy and they don’t even keep the city safe:drakewtf:
Minneapolis police are the worst. One time they stopped me while walking and said I match the description of a felon. I show them my Ohio ID then they ask me how do they know if it's me. Threatened to take me in, but found my social security card in my wallet. They told me I was lucky that MY social s3curity card matched the name on MY mfn id. Can't believe they were about to take me in for no reason.
So I'm not surprised by their continual fatally racist actions. Fucked them.


Minister of Propaganda
Liberal langaab farahs are something else. He needs to worry about his own community.

This is his city, it could’ve easily happened to him or another Somali.

Not everyone looks through life in the pathetic lens of “not my ethnicity, not my problem” when it comes to extrajudicial murder.

For fucks sake.

