Minister of Planning Jamal Mohamed Hassan lays the foundation stone for a new port in Ceelaayo

If Jamaal the fraud was serious about anything, he would have found funding for LaasQorays defunct fishing factory. Instead he and his wife signed a deal allowing China to rob our seas and resell our own fish back to us.

LaasQoray has also suffered population loss and now Yemeni fishermen are living and fishing there.
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The AS accusation against my abtis stems from Cadde Muuse wars in the early 2000s, I've never seen people refer to anyone but Warsangeli as AS if you want to play the same game there are Daacish on the other side of Bari should we call Cali Salebaan AS? I have cousins in the PMPF safeguarding Bari checkpoints and they're Dubeys Galgala division.


What dubeys idp you speak of?

Reer Majiyahan, reer Galgala, reer Golis?

The mines and moutains Dubays baa heysa.
From all over Calmadow last time i heard eviction taking place was last year its a dire situation that the government failed to adress its not only a humanitarian situation but also a security one people get kicked right before major AS offensive takes place. It should be top priority for xukuumadda, Calmadow usually saves thousands of nomads during drought and with proper roads can feed the whole of the state.

check youtube FB or Allsanaag.comπŸ‘πŸΎ
From all over Calmadow last time i heard eviction taking place was last year its a dire situation that the government failed to adress its not only a humanitarian situation but also a security one people get kicked right before major AS offensive takes place. It should be top priority for xukuumadda, Calmadow usually saves thousands of nomads during drought and with proper roads can feed the whole of the state.

check youtube FB or Allsanaag.comπŸ‘πŸΎ
This was proven fake Allsanaag owner is anti-Warsangeli and whatever AS did was reversed last time AS attacked was Milxo Cumar of Calmadow and even then they ran back to their caves. AS capability to hold a town in Calmadow is moot. Now with the Geeldoora road being built it would be possible to send teknikos straight from Badhan.