Milxo Fire Crisis - Silence Isn't The Answer. Puntland Stand Up



Degaanka Milxo waxaa gubtay 1,460 guri.

Waxaa banaan yaal ah dad aad u badan.

Where is the Puntites discussing this constant recurring fire issue in PL market place? Reminds me of our silence policy watching droughts constantly return with no discussion on what policy and mitigation posture to take. At least that issue has left the silence stage and a policy has been crafted for droughts(sand dams) and is currently in implementation stages rurally(not universal coverage yet), we shall wait for the lessons learned on it's success on keeping our rural communities drought resistant.

However this FIRE issue is suffering the same silence approach of recurring droughts, as if that will fix the problem. Our human capital need to come together and discuss how to make our urban markets fire resistant and investigating what is causing this issue to return.

We need to follow the same stages of discussion like we did with droughts by first doing an investigation on why these fires happen and then discuss the best/long term solutions and then selecting the best idea as policy and begin implementation stages and wait for the lessons learned once complete.

What I have identified so far is this always happens around market areas and electricity poles around those area seem to be dangerously wired and heat plus exposure of wires is a volatile mix already.

We must also calculate that heat in PL makes us already prone to fires and we must reduce the risk as much as possible by establishing market fire standard laws.

I would also believe it's wise we ask the water company to create a 'water' connection or Fire Hydrant across the market zones and even residential areas, so the fire-department can re-fill their tanks quick. This is only good measure to quickly deal with the fire effectively, but we need more PREVENTION solutions also so we can reduce the liklihood it will happen.


Milxo is an important mining town with industry, un-processed minerals are exported thru Bosaso Port. It's an important market for PL. But our fire standards/laws/policies must be crafted for all Puntland as this effects all of us, not just Milxo. Milxo is just another wake up call. Our policies must include preventation-reaction pillars and collect ideas from our brightest and public that addresses those pillars as that will ensure the best long-term outcomes.

When I see silence as policy, I CRY, becuz it means it will just get WORSE. Silence isn't a cure to anything, may god curse Silence. Silence is what hawiye/isaaq clan suffer with their clan issues, it will just grow and get more cancerous mashallah kkkk, but I don't want that 4 Puntland, never-ever accept silence as a solution.

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We can do go-fund me on here, check PM

Go fund me is short-term and dealing with the fall-out(post fire), it will just return sister unfortunately as no-one has discussed what's causing it in the first place, let alone discuss ideas that contribute to fire prevention and fire responsiveness. I gave 1 idea for fire responsiveness only which is 'fire hydrants/connections' across all different residential zones and markets so fire department has quick access to water and deal with fires before it spreads. I want more solutions for fire responsiveness policy.

I want more solutions on prevention also(electrical wiring standards in market zone, cooling such as A/C on goods/products that are prone to fire). I can only give so much answers, we need all our people to come together and throw out ideas against the pillars 'fire prevention and fire responsiveness' and we can select the best ones as policies.
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Garaad Abdillahi with all due respect 'gurmad' isn't a long-term answer as this is a recurring issue. Silence is a curse it doesn't solve anything but makes it return and get worse and worse. We need to discuss why it's happening, then set up pillars on prevention/responsiveness, collect ideas from public and experts that contribute ideas to those pillar and craft a sensible rational policy(caqli saliim) not PRAYERS and begin implementation stages.

It's the same issue with clan conflict/aano qabiil, gurmad and prayer r pointless we tried that for 100 years and it hasn't resolved anything, we need 'rational policies' to address it once and for all.

I wish secularist ruled Puntland. This would reign supreme. Everything in this world doesn't need prayers, allah gave man to control it with OUR BRAINS. Only after life needs prayer.

artificial intelligence thinking GIF by Matthew Butler
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