Millennial Characteristics; Zoomer Characteristics

Omar del Sur

What are the characteristics of millennials?

What are the characteristics of zoomers?

Speaking as a man of science, I believe millennials are possibly one of the greatest greatest generations of modern history. I believe millennials will one day reshape the West into a Communist dystopian nightmare but I believe they will have good intentions and feel genuinely sorry afterwards.

The zoomers...... I think some of them are entitled and I think they have shortened attention spans.


Boomers are the richest generation in Western history.

Millennials are possibly the poorest post-WWII generation. I think zoomers will have it better. As for the fate of Gen Alpha, not sure.

Omar del Sur

Boomers are the richest generation in Western history.

Millennials are possibly the poorest post-WWII generation. I think zoomers will have it better. As for the fate of Gen Alpha, not sure.

wait what is Gen Alpha?

Gen Alpha is millennials.


zoomers need to check their privilege

why are millennials more poor?

The great recession/financial crisis and the weak economy of the early 2010s, when they started tertiary education tuition fees got increased in many countries, and now early on in their careers they are getting fcked by the corona economic crisis.

Boomers never faced those difficulties (remember they are post-WWII, didn't experience hardships).

wait what is Gen Alpha?

Gen Alpha is millennials.

Gen Alpha are the small children of today and the teens/young adults of the late 2020s/early 2030s.

