Middle Aged xalimo panicks and cries after contacting corona virus


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I can't see how this is funny for some of you, put your own mother in this situation. I thought I was a sadistic but this forum shows a lot of are psychopaths.



Hakuna matata
She has no family inside, she feels alone and she is scared to die alone.

You don't know the background story to say it's her fault, someone might have came to her house and was evil enough to spread it to her.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I sense some pent up sexual frustrations in you. Visit my luuq for sexual healing. Inshaalah we will resolve the issue so you don't have these unsightly tantrums :tocry:

Oh u crack me up walaahi. U brighten my day, do u know that?


Samaalic Era

This xalimo is all over panicking and crying after contacting corona virus and got isolated in a corona patient ward. This looks probably in sweden since I have been to Swedish hospitals way many times and I can recognize how the medical equipment are assembled.

somalis have thick heads and don’t listen to instructions but when they finally face the danger they become weak and cry lol.

Its terrible, they isolate the person and no is allowed to visit. Some have passed away alone with no one around


How can you sit there and laugh at one of our own suffering and even blame her for catching it? May Allah cure our sister of this illness. You can do better sxb, I believe in u :)


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
How can you sit there and laugh at one of our own suffering and even blame her for catching it? May Allah cure our sister of this illness. You can do better sxb, I believe in u :)

The obesity crisis within Somali women community suggests the coronavirus could be a potential death crisis. I urge all Somali women who cannot walk 3000 steps to #StayAtHome.
I read somewhere that there are many reasons for why Somalis are especially vulnerable to covid-19: living in low income, overcrowded housing, working in essential services such as Uber drivers and taxi drivers, visiting relatives at their home when their sick (not adhering to social distancing rules) and being susceptible to conspiracy theories (WhatsApp, anyone?) and underlying health conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

Please everyone, be safe and stay home. Don’t go out unless you have to.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I read somewhere that there are many reasons for why Somalis are especially vulnerable to covid-19: living in low income, overcrowded housing, working in essential services such as Uber drivers and taxi drivers, visiting relatives at their home when their sick (not adhering to social distancing rules) and being susceptible to conspiracy theories (WhatsApp, anyone?) and underlying health conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

Please everyone, be safe and stay home. Don’t go out unless you have to.

u forgot weak bodies, not even fit for field slavery

