Menses & Prophetic Conduct

This is an excerpt from one of Tariq Jameel’s speeches. Its translated more or less meaning. My notes are in brackets.

Respect each other (husband and wife). You want your relationship to thrive. Respect each other. My Prophet (saw) gave respect and demonstrated (how one ought to be). In Pre Islamic era of Arabs, if woman was going through menses she was not allowed to sleep beside her husband. She would sleep apart from her husband.

Once at night Umm Salama she was sleeping with Prophet (saw) on bed. She felt she started menstruating (got into that state). She silently got up, changed her clothes and separated herself. Prophet (saw) got up when he saw she had separated herself. He asked her “Are you in menses?” She replied “Yes”. He then called her back and made her lie besides him. (ie he didn’t want her to be separated from him). (Incident is in Bukhari)

This is respect that my Prophet (saw) gave to his wife.

[Aisha reported Prophet (saw) used to embrace me during my menses. (Bukhari)]



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