men and love

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not so sad after all
I want to hear a (somali) male perspective on this

Is love ( like the romanticized kind you see in movies or books specifically, obviously love in the general sense like the kind you have for family and friends is important to everyone) important to you, or is it more about the practical? (companionship, kids, etc)

women can answer too, I'm curious about how somalis in general view the concept of "romantic" love.


Love is chemical. Like any chemical in ur system it kicks up & fades in intervals, or fades for good.

If ur smart you'll settle with someone whom u care about to some degree, but is a practical and well-rounded choice.

Also important that they know how to fight.

Love isn't enough. It's a reproduction gimmick for pair-bonding.

You have to employ ur rational side or you'll be forever lost or stuck in a shitty rel all ur life where u can't stand each other's stupid faces and that annoying smile of theirs...oh wait...oops...neither of u has smiled in each others presence in years, but then wait, who has the patience for years of a shitty nature these days?
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I want to hear a (somali) male perspective on this

Is love ( like the romanticized kind you see in movies or books specifically, obviously love in the general sense like the kind you have for family and friends is important to everyone) important to you, or is it more about the practical? (companionship, kids, etc)

women can answer too, I'm curious about how somalis in general view the concept of "romantic" love.
The type you see in movies? This makes me laugh. What I see in films is men sacrificing their whole life to please women. Anyone who likes that sort of bullshit needs to go to specsavers.
I want to hear a (somali) male perspective on this

Is love ( like the romanticized kind you see in movies or books specifically, obviously love in the general sense like the kind you have for family and friends is important to everyone) important to you, or is it more about the practical? (companionship, kids, etc)

women can answer too, I'm curious about how somalis in general view the concept of "romantic" love.
For a relationship I view love and compatability as the most important things for me.

ace mooha

Up and coming sniper.
There are two type of people in this world now a days.


Riders stay by your side when what attracted them to you is out of the questions. E.g money, looks etc. If your spouse stays and fight through everything then hold on to that one, they are rare these days.

Runners on the other hand, find excuses to leave you when you really need them. Dem kind of people never get to taste what real love really is.
I want to hear a (somali) male perspective on this

Is love ( like the romanticized kind you see in movies or books specifically, obviously love in the general sense like the kind you have for family and friends is important to everyone) important to you, or is it more about the practical? (companionship, kids, etc)

women can answer too, I'm curious about how somalis in general view the concept of "romantic" love.

Love is essential. Romance, in my humble opinion, is merely the way with which you go about in expressing that love. Romanticized love is vital, and it can work, as long as some "real world components are present for the love to exist in the first place. Loyalty, trust, honesty, integrity, flexibility, excellent communication, selflessness, and the simple and constant desire to always want the best for one another, even at the expense of ones own wants or desires. If all that is present, than you in fact have romanticized love. Love and romance should always go hand in hand.


Your superior
No need for love. I look at the quality of the chromosomes. If she got the right chromosomes then it is a deal
No need for love. I look at the quality of the chromosomes. If she got the right chromosomes then it is a deal

My friend, love and war are two sides of the same coin. Don't fall for cadaan mentality of love being for weaklings. Just look at how effeminate western society is. Those with the greatest capacity for love, are also the greatest warriors in any society. Fact. So to denounce love, is to denounce the very concept of masculinity.

Your dating experiences must be costly. Genetic testing with every date. Does that come before or after desert...


Your superior
My friend, love and war are two sides of the same coin. Don't fall for cadaan mentality of love being for weaklings. Just look at how effeminate western society is. Those with the greatest capacity for love, are also the greatest warriors in any society. Fact. So to denounce love, is to denounce the very concept of masculinity.

Your dating experiences must be costly. Genetic testing with every date. Does that come before or after desert...

I need my offspring to be strong, smart and healthy.
I need my offspring to be strong, smart and healthy.

Are you saying that love can't produce those qualities?

"Strong, smart"

But for what purposes?

Personal survival, or strength and intelligence that is used to uplift our people?

There's a difference between raising a leader and raising a simple man.

The former only comes about with a loving home (doesn't even matter if both parents have passed away.)

Don't be socially engineered to choose your life partner based on animal criteria.
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