MBS anti-Islam liberalization project continues in Saudi

Here is the latest degeneracy.

A only fans star was paid millions by the Saudi governmet to come and twerk on stage. The police only removed her after he pants ripped on stage and not because of the lyrics and twerking. @Omar del Sur come rant and defend this as usual.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
@Omar del Sur come rant and defend this as usual.

why would I defend this? I don't know of anything haraam in Saudi that I've defended. But certainly I think the anti-Saudi campaign is retarded. You people could be focusing on the Zionist state or the Shia and instead you want to direct everyone's energy towards promoting instability in a Muslim country.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
@GaradShabeel @xiin-finiin

show a post from me where I say something haraam that is happening in Saudi is halal. have I ever posted that Halloween is halal? have I ever said that music is halal?

no one can show me saying anything like that.
why would I defend this? I don't know of anything haraam in Saudi that I've defended. But certainly I think the anti-Saudi campaign is retarded. You people could be focusing on the Zionist state or the Shia and instead you want to direct everyone's energy towards promoting instability in a Muslim country.

So you're supposed to sit back and be quiet while degeneracy and border-line shirk is being performed/promoted in a muslim country that have had no policy of allowing this nature of un-islamic acts.

While you're at it, criticizing/highliting unislamic actions =/= promoting instability.
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@GaradShabeel @xiin-finiin

show a post from me where I say something haraam that is happening in Saudi is halal. have I ever posted that Halloween is halal? have I ever said that music is halal?

no one can show me saying anything like that.

I never said anything about you defending haram activities. It's the fact that you deflect from condemning or even worse, wanting others to turn a blind eye to these types of haram behaviors whenever they are put to spotlight. Especially your fixation with defending KSA.

I'm starting to believe that you could be one of those KSA paid/operated accounts online that engaged with a purpose of pushing certain narratives to redirect whenever that country is criticized. Very odd.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
So you're supposed to sit back and be quiet while degeneracy and border-line shirk is being performed/promoted in a muslim country that have had no policy of allowed this nature of un-islamic acts.

While you're at it, criticizing =/= promoting instability.

Yes, I'm glad you come and bring this retarded position into the open.

This notion that by not publically ranting against the Saudi government that I have something to do with whatever the Saudi government is up to is retarded. There is a whole list of dozens of Muslim countries where I don't talk about their governments. The only Muslim country I can think of where I talk about their government is Syria because I consider Assad a kaffir (Iran I don't consider a Muslim country).

I as a general rule do not go and talk about the governments of Muslim countries unless I make takfir of their government.

And if people would take some time to study the dīn properly, they would realize that publically ranting about Muslim governments is not in line with the proper minhaj.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
also btw if you say I am a "Madkhali bootlicker" for my view, if you were consistent then you would have to say the same thing about Imam Hanbal. My view is in line with the proper Salafi viewpoint that goes back to the earliest generations. There is nothing new or modern about it.
I never said anything about you defending haram activities. It's the fact that you deflect from condemning or even worse, wanting others to turn a blind eye to these types of haram behaviors whenever they are put to spotlight. Especially your fixation with defending KSA.

I'm starting to believe that you could be one of those KSA paid/operated accounts online that engaged with a purpose of pushing certain narratives to redirect whenever that country is criticized. Very odd.
He is not paid rather volunteer that repeats exactly what his sect leaders tell him. Okay we get it we shouldn’t promote uprisings in Muslim countries but not to criticise them for their wrong doings? Man miss me with that!

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
The position of the people who are against me is so weak they have to fight me with emojis rather than actual evidence. You people have no scholars with you. Meanwhile the scholars are with my side.

Sheikh Ibn Baz:

“It is not from the methodology of the early scholars (Salaf) to spread the mistakes and shortcomings of the rulers and to mention that from the pulpits, because that leads to disorder and chaos, and the absence of hearing and obeying the rulers in that which is good―and it leads to delving into affairs that are harmful and not of benefit. Instead, the way of the Salaf was to advise the sultan or ruler, and to write to him, or to inform the scholars who would then convey that advice to the ruler so that he is directed towards goodness. As for forbidding what is wrong without mentioning the name of the wrongdoer, such as forbidding and rebuking fornication, drinking alcohol and usury without mentioning the name of the doer―that is an obligation due to the general proofs [in the Sharīʿah]. And it is sufficient that the sins are refuted and warned against without mentioning the name of the one doing them, not the ruler and nor other than him.” He continued (rahimahullāh), “And when the ignorant Khawārij opened the door of evil in the time of the Caliph ʿUthmān (radiyallāhu ʿanhu), and they criticised him openly, the fitnah became severe, fighting and corruption ensued whose effects upon the people have not ceased till this day.”(Majmooʿ Al-Fatāwā of Ibn Bāz 8/210)
Yes, I'm glad you come and bring this retarded position into the open.

This notion that by not publically ranting against the Saudi government that I have something to do with whatever the Saudi government is up to is retarded. There is a whole list of dozens of Muslim countries where I don't talk about their governments. The only Muslim country I can think of where I talk about their government is Syria because I consider Assad a kaffir (Iran I don't consider a Muslim country).

I as a general rule do not go and talk about the governments of Muslim countries unless I make takfir of their government.

And if people would take some time to study the dīn properly, they would realize that publically ranting about Muslim governments is not in line with the proper minhaj.

Again, it's not abstaining from criticizing the gov't of KSA, but the fact that you time and again want others to overlook they way unislamic influence is being pushed in that specific country.

What's preventing you from criticize a government if they're acting out of line, as long as you stay within what the deen permits? That doesn't mean that you're instigating uprisings or insurrections.

Most sane countries have leaderships that listen to their citizens and this applies to most Muslim countries, even authoritarian ones on Islamic issues. It's just that KSA (and neighboring countries) live in constant paranoia where every single move of yours is controlled. Even if you obey them in all matters, but feel like they're compromising on the shariah and express in an appropriate manner, you'll be labelled as ikhw*n/irh*by and punished for it.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
He is not paid rather volunteer that repeats exactly what his sect leaders tell him. Okay we get it we shouldn’t promote uprisings in Muslim countries but not to criticise them for their wrong doings? Man miss me with that!

Islam isn't based on what you think.
He is not paid rather volunteer that repeats exactly what his sect leaders tell him. Okay we get it we shouldn’t promote uprisings in Muslim countries but not to criticise them for their wrong doings? Man miss me with that!

It is textbook Madkhalism, defend the western/zionist propped up leaders in the middle east at all cost and demonize the ones that are against those same masters.

Even their obsession with Iran has nothing to do with the shia religion and more to do with Iran being one of the targets of Israel in the region.
also btw if you say I am a "Madkhali bootlicker" for my view, if you were consistent then you would have to say the same thing about Imam Hanbal. My view is in line with the proper Salafi viewpoint that goes back to the earliest generations. There is nothing new or modern about it.
So we’re all innovators for highlighting leaders fault man get outta here with your cult shenanigans we are Somalis sxb

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
It is textbook Madkhalism

AMusee as the final boss of "anti-Madkhalis" on here slash open ikhwani sympathizer... why don't you name one scholar who is going around calling people "Madkhalis"?

Ah yes- you can't. You people have zero scholars with you.
It is textbook Madkhalism, defend the western/zionist propped up leaders in the middle east at all cost and demonize the ones that are against those same masters.

Even their obsession with Iran has nothing to do with the shia religion and more to do with Iran being one of the targets of Israel in the region.
They promote ideas they themselves don’t adhere to. They supported the toppling of Morsi and when gulf countries destabilise other nations they support. But when it comes to Saudi they say don’t utter a word about them listen and obey 😂
when you're riling up the people like that, it's already outside of the right approach.

I'm not 100% sure on the ruling on this issue and I'll look into it. But I have a hard time seeing a simple criticism such as the permission of shirk (as shown in the concert above) being prohibited.
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AMusee as the final boss of "anti-Madkhalis" on here slash open ikhwani sympathizer... why don't you name one scholar who is going around calling people "Madkhalis"?

Ah yes- you can't. You people have zero scholars with you.
What’s your issue with ikhwanis? Do you deem their rule inferior to the ones in the gulf?