May Allah (SWT) cut off the Wi-Fi connection of UK Muslim podcast bros! Ameen!

‘They’re never going to find a connection to God without a man’


This is the impact of the redpill twisting of Islam that man has now elevated himself to near enough the position of Allah.

Allah says:

إِنَّكَ لَا تَهْدِى مَنْ أَحْبَبْتَ وَلَـٰكِنَّ ٱللَّهَ يَهْدِى مَن يَشَآءُ ۚ وَهُوَ أَعْلَمُ بِٱلْمُهْتَدِينَ ٥٦

You surely cannot guide whoever you like ˹O Prophet˺, but it is Allah Who guides whoever He wills, and He knows best who are ˹fit to be˺ guided.

Sisters we live in dangerous times. Do not believe that the redpill to Islamic speaker pipeline is a coincidence.


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
These Muslim podcasting men are pushing women further away from islam then towards it. This is what happens when any tom dick and harry purchases podcast equipment and starts giving his opinion.

I advice my Muslim sisters to not listen to these likes of men but rather take knowledge from the scholars who are verified to be knowledgeable. The likes of Ibn Baz, Uthaymeen, Sh Fawzaan, sheikh Sulayman aruhaylee and others. That way these "red pill" Daaees won't be able to make you have a distorted understanding of the deen.
Don’t take your islam from mohammed hijab and ali dawah respectfully. Learn aqeedah and the deen from real scholars and students of knowledge
Never liked either of those dudes, honestly. I've come to the conclusion that diin needs to be studied and appreciated on your own via books since there's a higher barrier of entry required to publish an academic book over a YouTube video, and thus higher quality.

You've always seemed like a top-notch brother, any recommendations I can read/study?

I don't follow any particular madhab, like many Gen Z Western Muslims who sort of drift by but believe in the religion regardless, so I'm open to read most things.
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teetering in-between realities
Mohammed Hijab does have some good takes and videos but I don't like this particular take of his, he is a little aggressive tho
الرجال قوامون على النساء​
You really thought typing it out in Arabic would lend your irrelevant take more validity?
Funny GIF
Fear Allah you fitnah merchant, what you wrote has nothing to do with the video.
I don't think the brother has bad intentions, he may have worded his statement in a not good way but his message is nevertheless true to some extent.

Allah sent messengers to guide humanity and they were all males
I don't think the brother has bad intentions, he may have worded his statement in a not good way but his message is nevertheless true to some extent.

Allah sent messengers to guide humanity and they were all males
So does that mean as a man, you’re unable to form a connection to Allah without a man guiding you? Did the Messangers that Allah sent only talk to women? Or were they for ALL of mankind? Does that have to do with gender?

More women convert to Islam, the first person to die for Islam is a woman, and a lot of the early Hadith narrators were also women.

This was clearly a redpill take about how women need men as some sort of middle men in order to connect with Allah and it’s nearly akin to shirk.
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Someone should advise Sneako on learning the basics of Islam and fulfilling his duties as Islam.

It seems there is a competition between these guys to appear on each others guys and try to keep converts within their line of thinking. That’s why you see madhkalis like Faris being all clingy with the Tates etc. I would be be surprised if certain Muslim governments are attract these kind of red pills to live and invest in the Middle East.


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