Maxaas Mcawisleey oo weerar ku qaadey mooryaantii Xamar laga keenay kkkk

Marti waan magan galinaa ilaa ay kibraan saraakiishoodii oo Xerada itoobiya ee banaanka magaalada ku carartey 🤣🤣

1 nin ay dileen 10 ayaa laga laayay ilaa hada 🤣🤣
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Marti waan magan galinaa ilaa ay kibraan saraakiishoodii oo Xerada itoobiya ee banaanka magaalada ku carartey 🤣🤣

:pachah1: after 2 qaraxs happened in Maxaas, it's safe to say that murursade boys overstayed their hospitality, it has been clear to Beesha Xawadle that these boys from Dayniile are not going to liberate Ceelbuur any time soon but cause more fitna in their deegaans.
:pachah1: after 2 qaraxs happened in Maxaas, it's safe to say that murursade boys overstayed their hospitality, it has been clear to Beesha Xawadle that these boys from Dayniile ate not going to liberate Ceelbuur any time soon but cause more fitna in their deegaans.
Guutada Khalid bin waliid is Somaliwayn just the Commder is isxambaar with with few of them who are making trouble they need to be kicked out motherfuckers.
Guutada Khalid bin waliid is Somaliwayn just the Commder is isxambaar with with few of them who are making trouble they need to be kicked out motherfuckers.
Ustaadow, President HSM has just stalled the operation for 3 more months inorder to replace both Laftagareen and QQ, so the tension between Murusade and Xawadle will be very high in Maxaas because no one is going to Ceelbuur until FMS election is over.

One thing all Somalis hate are guests who overstayed there hospitality like murusade have over 1 year in Maxaas doing nothing kkkkk

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Let him cook
Aun. this sad

Why did SNA kill the xawaaadle kid? place tinderbox no time for investigation or talks straight to action
Hawadle must evict all the illegal refugees from Maxaas. Murusade tribe supports Al-Shabaab terrorists. Hawadle must not give them a safe haven.
Who would have predicted using clan militias would trun into clan conflict. If only we had warnings before.
Its non local SNA VS Macawisley they were lucky if this was in Goobo 25 km from Maxaas on the border with Galgaduud or Hareeri Madoobe on the border witt Budbud they woudle have been finished only few Guys are in Maxaas now they coming back to Maxaas. They say marti Xawaadle iyo Mooyo habeen xili xun bay dhawaaqaan i hope things get better we had bad sumcad with martida but we dont start it.

