Max Blumenthal & Katie Halper react to Biden's "Dark Brandon" speech

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I don't mean this to be hostile, I have questions for people who are sympathetic to Biden

1- do you really think MAGA Republicans are a threat to democracy? do you think they're plotting to end democracy? and replace it with what??

2- what exactly is the evidence that a group of people called MAGA Republicans are plotting to abolish democracy in the US?

I am baffled. is this all just based on January 6?

I am a genuine anti-democracy person. I am genuinely against democracy. but are Republicans actually against democracy?? where is the evidence for this. I don't hear any mainstream Republicans openly attacking Democracy as a system and calling for some other system. so it is a secret conspiracy and they're hiding their anti-democracy views? where is the evidence?

I am really baffled. i heard the speech and i can hear msnbc and them really running with these claims but... can someone explain to me what exactly the evidence is? where exactly is the evidence? I don't like Trump and I've never supported him but I don't know of there being this group of people called MAGA Republicans who are wanting to replace democracy (or supposed democracy) with some other system.


I don't mean this to be hostile, I have questions for people who are sympathetic to Biden

1- do you really think MAGA Republicans are a threat to democracy? do you think they're plotting to end democracy? and replace it with what??

2- what exactly is the evidence that a group of people called MAGA Republicans are plotting to abolish democracy in the US?

I am baffled. is this all just based on January 6?

I am a genuine anti-democracy person. I am genuinely against democracy. but are Republicans actually against democracy?? where is the evidence for this. I don't hear any mainstream Republicans openly attacking Democracy as a system and calling for some other system. so it is a secret conspiracy and they're hiding their anti-democracy views? where is the evidence?

I am really baffled. i heard the speech and i can hear msnbc and them really running with these claims but... can someone explain to me what exactly the evidence is? where exactly is the evidence? I don't like Trump and I've never supported him but I don't know of there being this group of people called MAGA Republicans who are wanting to replace democracy (or supposed democracy) with some other system.
1. Yes. A similar version to Hungary is the Conservative goal. Orban controls 90%+ of the media and the state and business class have become one. Govenrement contracts are handed out to those close to the government. Who then donate to the governing party.

2. Fake electors, 100+ Republicans set to be elected that deny the results of the last election, Trump’s attempted fixing of Georgia state elections (which is now a criminal case), the near rejection of the election to be accepted by the VP (fortunately Mike Pence rejected this but a future Trumpian VP could do this instead of the establishment republicans trump relied on in 2016).

It’s not just Republicans, capitalists around the world have turned authoritarian/fascist once the people revolt against the elite. Once the culture wars fail to divide the working class due to how bad the inequality gets, it’s inevitable that the elites turn against democracy.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
1. Yes. A similar version to Hungary is the Conservative goal. Orban controls 90%+ of the media and the state and business class have become one. Govenrement contracts are handed out to those close to the government. Who then donate to the governing party.

the conservatives want to dominate the media and business sector?

I guess everyone wants to dominate the media world. but conservatives are the ones dominating the media?

and then the businesses...

look at how the state of Florida ended up war with Disney because Disney wants to push lgbt on little kids... and is this the culture war you refer to in your post? we're supposed to just sit back and accept them pushing that stuff on kids?


-media (except Fox and Ben Shapiro)
-Hollywood and entertainment

pretty much all of these are dominated by leftism/sjwism/democrats.

I don't deny that I think the Republicans would establish cultural and political hegemony if they could... I think both sides would if they could... people like to win... but I think the Democrats are a lot closer to that aim than the Republicans


the conservatives want to dominate the media and business sector?

I guess everyone wants to dominate the media world. but conservatives are the ones dominating the media?

and then the businesses...

look at how the state of Florida ended up war with Disney because Disney wants to push lgbt on little kids... and is this the culture war you refer to in your post? we're supposed to just sit back and accept them pushing that stuff on kids?


-media (except Fox and Ben Shapiro)
-Hollywood and entertainment

pretty much all of these are dominated by leftism/sjwism/democrats.

I don't deny that I think the Republicans would establish cultural and political hegemony if they could... I think both sides would if they could... people like to win... but I think the Democrats are a lot closer to that aim than the Republicans
Leftists do not control the media. Socially liberal, economically right wing which are the vast majority of the RINO and DINOs have won. Both are capitalist in nature and protect their elite classes.

This is conveniently the best thing for Corporations as they get to pretend they care about woke issues like BLM, women’s rights, LGBT etc but also not get taxed by the state, increasing inequality.

But for sure Leftists have won the ‘identity politics’ war. I don’t believe so much as they control the media or corporations as it’s just that the media and corporations chase profit and the best way to make profit is to break down the family unit and turn everyone into consumers and workers focused on just their ‘career’. Not sentimental things like family that gets in the way of their profit making.

Given this is also now what’s popular (socially frivolous societies, LGBT, rejection of religion) they pander to this so openly and commercialised it like with Pride events.

If leftists who tend to care about human rights issues had any effect on the media/corporations they wouldn’t be making massive profits in China and countries with slave labour. They wouldn’t be paying workers so poorly while the CEOs make 100s of millions. They wouldn’t banning unions.

The culturally right wing republicans (MAGA) are fighting back and have realised they need an authoritarian state as democracy will further push away from their ideology. They see the state importing millions of foreigners, that citizens are becoming more ‘woke’ and realise that the demographics are against them. When white people become a minority I suspect they’ll truly start to backslide on democracy.


@Omar del Sur if leftists controlled our education or media why is it we’re always pushed to focus on woke crap (identity politics) and not inequality. Why is it not a single economically left wing politician has lead America since maybe FDR?

Could you imagine a modern day FDR who built America to what it is today. How quickly would they lose the support of media, corporations etc? How quickly would the rich be supporting fascist movements to protect their profits?



Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
@Omar del Sur if leftists controlled our education or media why is it we’re always pushed to focus on woke crap (identity politics) and not inequality. Why is it not a single economically left wing politician has lead America since maybe FDR?

Could you imagine a modern day FDR who built America to what it is today. How quickly would they lose the support of media, corporations etc? How quickly would the rich be supporting fascist movements to protect their profits?

I get what you're talking about. I'm Latin American, you're advocating for the kind of leftism we have in our region and that is already super familiar to us.

I don't want the white people Western sjw leftism and I don't want the kind of leftism we have in Latin America either.

A fully one hundred percent Islamic system obviously isn't going to look like sjw Western degeneracy but it also isn't going to look like Fidel Castro, Siad Barre, the Soviet Union or Gamal Abdel Nasser either.

We already have the perfect dīn. Leftism, whether we are talking about Western sjwism or Soviet-style socialism- these are rival, competing dīns. We don't need them.

We need to adhere to the sunnah- not only to that of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) but also to the sunnah of the rightly-guided Caliphs. If the proper function of the state was to try to create a socialist utopia, they would have done it. They didn't collect all that much in taxes and they didn't have a massive socialist state. Socialism is incompatible with following their sunnah.

"Verily he among you who lives long will see great controversy, so you must keep to my Sunnah and to the Sunnah of the Khulafa ar-Rashideen (the rightly guided caliphs), those who guide to the right way. Cling to it stubbornly [literally: with your molar teeth]. Beware of newly invented matters [in the religion], for verily every bidah (innovation) is misguidance."

We need the sharia, we don't need "Islamic socialism" or any sort of imported ideology that is alien and foreign to Islam.


I get what you're talking about. I'm Latin American, you're advocating for the kind of leftism we have in our region and that is already super familiar to us.

I don't want the white people Western sjw leftism and I don't want the kind of leftism we have in Latin America either.

A fully one hundred percent Islamic system obviously isn't going to look like sjw Western degeneracy but it also isn't going to look like Fidel Castro, Siad Barre, the Soviet Union or Gamal Abdel Nasser either.

We already have the perfect dīn. Leftism, whether we are talking about Western sjwism or Soviet-style socialism- these are rival, competing dīns. We don't need them.

We need to adhere to the sunnah- not only to that of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) but also to the sunnah of the rightly-guided Caliphs. If the proper function of the state was to try to create a socialist utopia, they would have done it. They didn't collect all that much in taxes and they didn't have a massive socialist state. Socialism is incompatible with following their sunnah.

"Verily he among you who lives long will see great controversy, so you must keep to my Sunnah and to the Sunnah of the Khulafa ar-Rashideen (the rightly guided caliphs), those who guide to the right way. Cling to it stubbornly [literally: with your molar teeth]. Beware of newly invented matters [in the religion], for verily every bidah (innovation) is misguidance."

We need the sharia, we don't need "Islamic socialism" or any sort of imported ideology that is alien and foreign to Islam.

I’m just a pragmatic. Ideal state would be Islamic and social democracy. A law and constitution based on sharia but that had a government that delivered services in a similar way to one’s you see in Scandinavia.

But for Somalia this is unrealistic and I support a capitalist state that chases profit. I even see an Islamic sharia state of Somalia as unrealistic as we’re nation dependent on the West and have extreme islamist terrorist

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Leftists do not control the media. Socially liberal...

Whatever you want to call them- people who push cultural Marxism. Whether you want to call them leftist or not I don't think is really important but these are definitely who dominate the Western institutions. Yes they're not Venezuela and Cuba style leftists but I don't want that style of leftism either.

If leftists who tend to care about human rights issues had any effect on the media/corporations they wouldn’t be making massive profits in China and countries with slave labour. They wouldn’t be paying workers so poorly while the CEOs make 100s of millions. They wouldn’t banning unions.

this is what baffles me. your "economic leftist," socialist stuff... the way it works is like this... you give long speeches about the Western imperialists and "neoliberalism" and you align your foreign policy with China and with Russia. China is the big sponsor these days of that kind ideology as that kind of leftism is their official ideology (I know they had the market reforms but ideologically they still align themselves with the Cubas and Venezuelas of the world) and it's in their interest for that kind of ideology to be more popular. so it's strange to me that you mix being anti-China with that kind of ideology. in the old days, you implemented that kind of ideology and gave speeches about your country's friendship with the Soviet Union.... these days you give pro-China takes on foreign policy. I don't know of any government that follows Cuba/Venezuela type leftism and isn't aligned with China. I can't even imagine having that kind of government and being aligned with the West and pretty much every government ends up leaning more towards one of those sides or the other.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I’m just a pragmatic. Ideal state would be Islamic and social democracy. A law and constitution based on sharia but that had a government that delivered services in a similar way to one’s you see in Scandinavia.

Well if the state has the revenue for it I guess it seems alright to me if they do some services for the poor.

I already gave my platform a while back, though:

I've never voted. Is Bernie going to crack down on witchcraft, atheism, freemasons, engage in epic rants about Jews and the New World Order, assert that Jewish bankers are behind bolshevism, publish hostile tweets with dark references to Zionist conspirators, demand the implementation of the shariah, abolish democracy, address the press in a military uniform and give speeches in Congress about the dangers of Communist infiltration?

I'm not interested in voting.

But for Somalia this is unrealistic and I support a capitalist state that chases profit. I even see an Islamic sharia state of Somalia as unrealistic as we’re nation dependent on the West and have extreme islamist terrorist

well an ideal sharia state would work to wipe out the khawarij. but unfortunately it's really tough for Muslim countries as far as implementing sharia due to Western pressure.


Well if the state has the revenue for it I guess it seems alright to me if they do some services for the poor.

I already gave my platform a while back, though:

well an ideal sharia state would work to wipe out the khawarij. but unfortunately it's really tough for Muslim countries as far as implementing sharia due to Western pressure.
In Muslim countries as long as there’s a khawarij movement it’s hard to sustain a sharia state that doesn’t go further and further into the extreme. It’s unfortunate the ICU was destroyed. Maybe it would’ve been possible then.

We have Shabaab that consider most Sunni aqeedah as kufr. In Afghanistan after a 20 year war of liberation Taliban are now fighting ISIS. It’s very easy to make the jump from salafi to khawarij imo given many Salafist already believe non-literalists are jahil.

Hence why I think for Somalia’s development we must accept the reality that a democratic state is the only way we leave the khawarij behind us and avoid international blockades/invasions.


Whatever you want to call them- people who push cultural Marxism. Whether you want to call them leftist or not I don't think is really important but these are definitely who dominate the Western institutions. Yes they're not Venezuela and Cuba style leftists but I don't want that style of leftism either.

this is what baffles me. your "economic leftist," socialist stuff... the way it works is like this... you give long speeches about the Western imperialists and "neoliberalism" and you align your foreign policy with China and with Russia. China is the big sponsor these days of that kind ideology as that kind of leftism is their official ideology (I know they had the market reforms but ideologically they still align themselves with the Cubas and Venezuelas of the world) and it's in their interest for that kind of ideology to be more popular. so it's strange to me that you mix being anti-China with that kind of ideology. in the old days, you implemented that kind of ideology and gave speeches about your country's friendship with the Soviet Union.... these days you give pro-China takes on foreign policy. I don't know of any government that follows Cuba/Venezuela type leftism and isn't aligned with China. I can't even imagine having that kind of government and being aligned with the West and pretty much every government ends up leaning more towards one of those sides or the other.
I’m pretty un-idealogical. I can however see how inequality is the reason for the ills of the world. I agree with ‘leftists’ in South America that focus on these issues. However I do not agree with the way they address these issues.

I would say I’m more of a third way, social democratic in the mould of Blair/Clinton. Like we have the same aims as traditional leftists to improve public services, reduce inequality, a higher skill and higher wage economy, lifting everyone out of poverty but I’m totally against rent caps, the government controlling non-essential industries (should only control necessities like water, energy, transport, healthcare, education). I also support strong public and private sector cooperation to deliver public services as long as it improves results.

Most of the South American leftists just nationalise everything and hand out contracts to each other, stealing from the governments assets. Which is a disaster given they allow for no competition from the private sector.

I however am to the right on social issues which is not a surprise as a Muslim which does clash.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
In Muslim countries as long as there’s a khawarij movement it’s hard to sustain a sharia state that doesn’t go further and further into the extreme.

Well if there's any area where the state doesn't follow sharia, the khawarij might exploit this in their propaganda making takfir on the government. So there would be pressure in that regard but in a sense it shouldn't be a problem as long as the state is following sharia in everything as much as possible.

It would create tons of problems for a state trying to merge between sharia and Western ideology. If you want "Islamic democracy", of course they'll use that to cast doubt on the state's Islamic credentials and rile the people up. But I believe in the state following full sharia.

But that being said, you could have a state run by a close companion of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and they would still make takfir on the state and revolt. An issue is not only will they make accusations if the state is not following sharia but even if the state does follow sharia they'll still accuse it of being apostate.

It’s unfortunate the ICU was destroyed. Maybe it would’ve been possible then.

I am with you a million percent here. To me it is one of the biggest crimes of George Bush that he supported Ethiopia against the ICU. Somalis have told me about the ICU, I've heard about what happened with them and it really makes me sad. I think ICU was really a great hope for Somalia.

We have Shabaab that consider most Sunni aqeedah as kufr. In Afghanistan after a 20 year war of liberation Taliban are now fighting ISIS. It’s very easy to make the jump from salafi to khawarij imo given many Salafist already believe non-literalists are jahil.

Well the Taliban are Deobandis. People try to associate Salafis with khawarij but that is just proaganda and I don't think Salafiyyah sets the stage for khawarij ideology. The khawarij try to dress themselves up as though they are Salafis but as I have discussed elsewhere, the real modern root of these modern khawarij groups is the Muslim Brotherhood ideology. imo the ideal Salafi state would warn people about rebelling against the Muslim ruler and brutally exterminate khawarij. I believe this would be a legit form of jihad fisabiAllah and I think the people could definitely be roused against the khawarij. daesh in Afghanistan I believe they just rely on filth like bombing innocents but they have almost no popular support and I think they would get wiped out if they tried to fight the govermment out in the open.

I think daesh in Afghanistan are just another arm of Western aggression against that country. I don't think it's really the fault of the Afghans, I think it's the CIA pushing that group on them.

Hence why I think for Somalia’s development we must accept the reality that a democratic state is the only way we leave the khawarij behind us and avoid international blockades/invasions.

democracy is wrong. it is definitely wrong. the ideal government obviously is a sharia state. but of course I do think Somalia very likely would be invaded and/or sanctioned if such a state was established there and then you'd have tons of money pouring from intelligence agencies into khawarij groups to cause chaos. it's a sad situation. that's why my view is the best thing that Muslim countries can do is implement that sharia state then align with China to help them against the West. in an ideal world, the state wouldn't really be friendly with China either but I think it's necessary in the conditions of our time- otherwise the West will simply topple the state. and it will be the West that is really out to topple the Islamic state, I don't think China will really care. that's why Afghanistan and China have the relations they have.