Marketing disaster?


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
So a friend visiting Garowe/Puntland send me a video of a factory she visited. The factory makes drinking water bottle. The name they chose to give their company is "Hubaal" . ie "Trusted" when translated to English. I was like --wait a minute. I know that disgusting name. Looool

One of the idol names of Quraysh pre Islamic era was "Hubal". (thanks to watching amazing youtube khutbahs of course) Read below:

I was arguing with this friend and informing her how the name was stupid and must be changed. She was like ---byeee crazy person. I have to pick up this phone . LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

Below is their cheap website.

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LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
If hubaal is trust in Somali, sorry we can’t change our language to please the salafis

But u don't have to use the word tho. If u r marketing anything, u need to be unique and catchy. They could have used the word "Hubsaan" or "Hubsaane" but as one person said- this might be over thinking .The majority of people never heard of hubal anyway. Ignorance is bliss i suppose


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Xoolo, what does the Salafi movement have to do with this?

She equates the origins of the hubal god of qurayshi knowledge hadith as Salafi lol should it be Suuni tho? loool


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Walaahi, I don't know why she brought this up. Maybe her ex was salafi and left her on the highway.

or she is really mad at Suufis but can't go after them because her beloved parents are suufis and can't cross the line


Laa ta aamin nin wa law kaana ninkaaga- bom!
So a friend visiting Garowe/Puntland send me a video of a factory she visited. The factory makes drinking water bottle. The name they chose to give their company is "Hubaal" . ie "Trusted" when translated to English. I was like --wait a minute. I know that disgusting name. Looool

One of the idol names of Quraysh pre Islamic era was "Hubal". (thanks to watching amazing youtube khutbahs of course) Read below:

I was arguing with this friend and informing her how the name was stupid and must be changed. She was like ---byeee crazy person. I have to pick up this phone . LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

Below is their cheap website.

Well, there was a time where somalis worshipped Hubal. You can find traditional songs about it :francis:


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Well, there was a time where somalis worshipped Hubal. You can find traditional songs about it :francis:

They were dumb ancestors


F*ck Your Feelings
It's not In Garowe it's in Bosaso and I'm drinking it right now. Great water and name that doesn't need to be changed.


Supreme Bosniak Geeljire
But u don't have to use the word tho. If u r marketing anything, u need to be unique and catchy. They could have used the word "Hubsaan" or "Hubsaane" but as one person said- this might be over thinking .The majority of people never heard of hubal anyway. Ignorance is bliss i suppose


