Maqaamka Casimadaha Somalia


We always talking about Maqaamka Muqdisho which is important I agree, but we never talk about Maqaamka casimadaha regional government. I hope Abgaal inu arintani miiska soo saaro, they are my reer awoowe also waryaa and I have listened to their side of the argument for many years growing up next to my ayeeyo. Listen arinta muqdisho is not simple solution because their were clans who lived there for centuries. For example the banadiri cad-cad where the first to settle this place, they invited people to come like abgaal and murusade for now to be called a LAANGAAB and their city taken away from them? This is absolutely injustice of the worst order. Illahi amarkisa, if you do cadalad daro aday ku soo taban doonta.

Manta my qabiil has become like banadiri cad-cad they call us 'jarjar' in garowe which is the same which means MINORITY. Yes I may be a minority tribal wise, but I was apart of the original founders of garowe, you only moved here after 98 when PL was made a capital for all Puntland.

This has happened to my clan so I can feel the pain of the original settlers especially banadiri because I have become like them in my own town. I hope one day to hold forum for 'original settlers' of all Somali capitals be it regional government capitals or federal capital because we share a same story and same dilemma, our former home-lands has been swamped by other clans and we are now treated as a minority in our own district. We need original settler recognition and representation but we must also be inclusive to all those who moved to join us. Who has priority over another is a big discussion Somalis have to hold. Ninka deegaanka ama Niinka soo guuray oo tiro batay?

I hope Abgaal my reer awoowe ay miiska soo saaran hadi Somalidu rabto in Hamar maqaamkeeda laga hadlo, waa In casimadaha mamulada somaliya ay maqaamkooda horta meel soo saaran. I won't lie to you abgaal are more reasonable to reason and intelligence then Darod or Isaaq, so I hope one day to go to mogadishu to give them advice not to be fooled by these regional qabiilist who want to create regional governments but not make it inclusive for the people they claim they represent. Anigu meel cadalad daro ka jirta xitaa hadu degaankayga yahay kama yeelayo ama waxaa akhirki imanayo cadalad daro kale sida hada nagu dhacday in garowe with issa mahmoud swamping our city and my awoowe grave now rotting saying 'ba'aa kuwani halkay ka yimadeen'


All regional government dadka deegaanka waa inay kacan sida abgaalka uu kacay oo yiri maqaamka muqdisho miiska soo saara. All regional government must also say the same maqaamka casimadaha mamulada waa in maqaamkisa miiska la saara. What are we going to do with Bah dubays who has longer history then some abokor isse oo 91 soo galay waa dooda. This discussion has to be had anywhere in Somalia since we have become urbanized now to a great extent unlike before.

How are immigrants and residents going to co-exist in a fair way. In old hamar as long as u assimilated into their culture and become reer banadiri u were apart of them like hassan abshir, kaluun, khakhan, cade muse. Should we adopt a similar approach with Puntlanders who come to garowe, ASSIMILATE waryaa and prove u love garowe not your qabiil like the old banadiri used to do with immigrants.

We need to learn from Banadiri approach since we became urbanized now, they have lots of history as urban settlers, bring them to garowe to assist us as we are having the same challenges they once had. Cadalad daro meel aad ka faqanaysid ma jirto. I would invite banadiri cad-cad and abgaal advisors about how to live/work/run a city that is SHARED by many regions or the country as a whole. Because as Somali miyi culture we fail in this aspect, we have no clue nor any history how to SHARE WITH PEOPLE, we never needed to share with anyone, qof walbo waa isku filna. Like my awoowe and his awoowe he didn't need osman mahmoud or reer bari marku nugaal yimi. Dadkasi waa independent, they have their livestock, camels, sheeps, goats and keep moving around they don't need to worry about settlement and sharing.

I wud bring banadiri consultants, abgaal consultants, kismaayo consultants, and bosaso consultants, berbera consultants. I want to ask dadka degaanka how u handle the influx of immigrants, how did u adjust, did they replace your old culture(which is what muslims r trying to do the west and why their hated), did they assimilate. U need to gather historical information and look at the data and compare it to today to find our where the problem happened.
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We need a huge discussion on assimilation in Somalia and multiple histories and multiple ways of living. This idea multiple cultures can co-exist doesn't work. They need to be separated from each other and learn to adjust to where they are. If you go to the city, u need to adjust to city living, not to bring ur qabiil culture. If you go to west don't bring ur islam adeer, adjust to the people how they live. This what is causing so many wars between people. Do as the romans do, but doesn't mean u have to believe in it, but u must assimilate or leave them alone, go back to your home bay ku oranayan. Just like I tell abokor isse assimilate into garowe ama go back to dangarayo. This how humans are it doesn't mean islam or christian or nation vs nation city vs city or rural vs rural. Everyone expects you assimilate where-ever u go and if u don't waa lagu dili doona akhirki as they suspect u want to displace them.

City guys believe in nepotism in saxibo iyo koox yar yar(nabad iyo nolal oo kale) inay isracan just like the 1960s, so the cities are not perfect the old culture, waxay keenaysa not inclusive and could create race or tribal wars. Where-as miyiga which is my awoowe culture in the north, they don't believe in saxib iyo nepotism, they believe in qoys iyo reer wax lagu dhiso. It's two different mindsets. U know how they say in the city 'its who u know what u know' that is nepotism sxb and it's ROTTEN and just as bad as QABYALAD.

That's why they say there is no perfect system oo qof walbo deeqi kara lakin we need to discuss the LEAST WORST OPTION. Nepotism vs Qabyalad cultures. I came from Two cultures a nugaal one my awoowe preferred the QABYALAD option as that's what he was used too in nugaal, he wud come to hamar and could not adjust to the NEPOTISM culture iyo SAXIBO. They have different mindsets dadyowgasi bariga, magaca awoowaha bay kugu qiimaynayan(family) and then they will speak to u because they think maybe you have some good ideas. Where-as city culture my ayeeyo side who is abgaal waxay kugu qiimaynayan 'deris' he is my neighbor, i know their family, and your connections in the city iyo meeshay gaarto and your saxibo
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That's why when your in a city they always advice u to build your social network because opportunities come from WHO U KNOW. They tell you go out to soccer fields, conventions, art place, u basically have to win people over to like your personality before they will even give you a chance. Is it good? No because lots of people don't have that skill and could die in the process.

Then there is the other culture your HISTORY and your family, especially what did ur awoowe do. Is this perfect? no because some useless people can exist even if they had great awoowe. Mixture of both systems might be suitable for Somalia analyzing the person history and awoowe in line with miyi culture but also looking at their individual effort(social networking skills) not just saying social networker is better then the one with a history or vice versa. Noone has perfection anywhere.

But I do insist u need to know this person history and it does make sense since he has something to live up too or nothing to live up too depending on their history and family background. But this doesn't mean u scored a GEM because way buxan farid nacas dhalay. U could have a great awoowe but u urself cud be useless and u shouldnt get a free ride on your awoowe name, I disagree with that completely. But it should be included in the assessment of a person character.

That's probably why I came to the city or god ordained it for me. I could survive in miyiga awoowahay magacisa ayaan ku joggi kara, it will be an easy ride. I now need to develop my social skills and individual effort in the city which is dependent on you. It's actually even harder for our generation compared to Somalis cuz u were in the same country, we now need to adopt the social skills and networking in completely different countries.
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