Man kills his own mother in Kismaayo


AUN to his hoyo, may she rest in heaven
we have to take mental illness serious in our community, let’s stop taking them to Somalia and having them marry an innocent woman instead of addressing the concern and finding proper treatment


Forza Somalia!
Was he suffering from mental illness? I read some reports of one celeb guy with Schizophrenia who attacked his mother after stopped taking medication


East Africa UNUKA LEH
AUN to the mother

heard that he was mentally ill and his mother wanted him to get married
Somalis think a wife will solve any problem. Mentally ill people should only marry other mentally ill people, if they can marry.
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East Africa UNUKA LEH
lol who can raise that crazy ass baby when parents also crazy. U trying to create supervillian
Crazy people should only marry their own whether they are mentally ill or they have kibir. It’s sad to involve a naive person.

My mom told me a story recently about a gangbanger lowlife, his parents made him marry some innocent xalimo from back home. He got her pregnant then beat her and she had a miscarriage. Now they’re divorced and he chews khat all day.
He was rer ugaas Sharmarke, I heard his half brothers who were Majerteen wanted him executed for what happend to their mother. So I heard he was shot dead, must be old video.