Man couldn't pay for food on a date

old school guys pay :fantasia2:

Yes, for wife material woman. You are the furthest thing from being a wife material woman. Do you think good men or even men that are lacking want to wife someone like you when they can easily get a female version of themselves?


It happens to the best of us. It is not as bad in the UK, as is in the US, where not having money is worse than death sentence for the average Yankee.

In my case, I realised I did not have my wallet with me in the midst of the meal, and quickly improvised. Of course, this was a frequent haunt, where I knew the owner and staff, so I just got up, spoke with the owner, briefing him as to the predicament, and he said 'it was on the house'. I still took slip, came back the next day, and settled the bill with a large tip.

What happened a few times was where I would dash out of the office, just finishing a meeting, and thinking of the next one, head out, order the food, and then realise I left my wallet behind, but 'cos there are the same restaurants, where they know me, I just return the next day to pay.
there is a difference between forgetting wallet and not being able to afford to pay. How is a guy gonna plan out a date and doesn't even know the price range for the restaurant they are going to?:umwhat:


Yes, for wife material woman. You are the furthest thing from being a wife material woman. Do you think good men or even men that are lacking want to wife someone like you when they can easily get a female version of themselves?
As usual, you taking shit personally :sass2: With the way you talk, you just scream dusty :hova:


It was lovely. I recently had two young men from Czechia on a Christian tour in the US, stay at my house for 2 weeks. I met them by chance.
you let strangers in your house?! :what: how about if they creep up on you and suffocate you with your own pillow? or decided to drug your food and cut you up? too many scary scenarios to think of!
Scared Horror GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
I'd never spend that amount of money on a date even if I was guaranteed to smash on first date.
Β£92 is literally the usual amount for two to three people. It really isn’t a lot. If that is too much then eating out in this current climate isn’t for you.


Death Awaits You
Β£92 is literally the usual amount for two to three people. It really isn’t a lot. If that is too much then eating out in this current climate isn’t for you.
I don't like eating out but on some occasions or when going out with friends or on a date, you always have the option to go to a cheaper restaurant.
Has anyone ever been made to wash dishes in the back if they couldn't cover the bill? Sounds like an urban legend
Has anyone ever been made to wash dishes in the back if they couldn't cover the bill? Sounds like an urban legend
At uni, one of my mates did, he was in the kitchen all aproned-up loading up dirty dishes, well till we came to pay off. Afterwards, we realised we missed a golden opportunity, kicking ourselves not to have waited till he finished up the clean-up. He was of a wealthy family, a complete tosser, an ungrateful wastrel.