Majority of Sanaag, Haylan and Cayn have not taken part of SL elections today

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Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary


Sida ay noo xaqiijiyeen dadka degaanka gobalada Sool,Sanaag, Cayn iyo Haylaan ayeysan maanta qaybo kamida ka qabsoomin doorashadii uu ugu tala galay maamulka Somaliland, halka qaar kalena la geeyey sanaadiiqda doorashada ayna codayntu ka socoto.

Magaalooyinka waaweyn ee Gobalada Sanaag, Haylaan iyo Cayn ayaan maanta intooda badan la geyn sanaadiiqda doorashada markii ay halkaasi gaareen ciidamo katirsan Puntland iyo wafuud kala duwan, magaalooyinka aan laga codayn waxaa kamida Badhan, Laasqoray, Dhahar, Xingalool, Buuhoodle, Boocame iyo degaano kale oo hoos taga gobaladaas.

Xagee maanta ka socotaa Doorashada Somaliland?

Inta badan Gobalka Sool maanta waxaa si caadiya uga socota doorashada Somaliland waxaana kamida degaanada ay maanta dadku codadka ka dhiibanayaan Laascaanood, Taleex, Xudun iyo degaano kale, dhanka gobalka Cayn waxay doorashadu ka socotaa degmooyinka Ceegaag iyo Widh-Widh.

Xaalada nabad gelyo

Illaa hada lagama soo sheegin doorashada Somaliland guud ahaan wax shaqaaqo ah, mana jirto xiisadii dagaal ee laga baqaayey inay ka qaraxdo gobalada Sool,Sanaag, Cayn iyo Haylaan oo maalmihii u danbeeyey ay ciidamo geynaayeen Puntland iyo Somaliland, iyagoo dhan kalena hanjabaado hawada isku marinaayey.

Isku soo wada duubo dadka ku dhaqan gobalada la isku yiraahdo SSC ayaa intooda badan ogolayn kamid ahaanshaha Somaliland walow qaybo kamida oo ay kamid tahay magaalada ugu weyn ee Laascaanood ay Somaliland gacanta ku haysay 10-kii sano ee ugu danbaysay.

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Speak for your own tribe from Mogadishu or galmudug or hiraan you don’t speak for Puntland nor jubaland besides hawiye and Isaac have always been united against darood hence the present situation.

When you say the rest of Somalia doesn’t have a government nor a standing army you are just demonstrating your hatred for Puntland cause it clearly has all that let’s just say the animosity you bare the feeling is mutual.


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
Speak for your own tribe from Mogadishu or galmudug or hiraan you don’t speak for Puntland nor jubaland besides hawiye and Isaac have always been united against darood hence the present situation.

When you say the rest of Somalia doesn’t have a government nor a standing army you are just demonstrating your hatred for Puntland cause it clearly has all that let’s just say the animosity you bare the feeling is mutual.
Dude who you speaking to ?? there are no isaacs or tutus in this thread :wtf:

This guy has lost the plot :pachah1:
Sxb - I wouldn’t be celebrating if I were you.

Your article states that voting took place in all of Laascaanood (Minus Boocaame and Tukaraq) Taleex and Xuddun districts

AND Ceegaag and Widhwidh of Buhoodle district (In fact most Dulbahanta settlements in Buhoodle district EXCEPT Buuhoodle are taking part).

In the last Presidential Election back in 2010 This was NOT the case.

Our army is also in Hadaaftimo - Where Muuse Biixi made a campaign stop. That is a mere 20 KM from Badhan.

Do you notice the trend.

May it take a few months or several years. We WILL control every inch of Of territory claimed by Somaliland in due course, In Shaah Allah!
Sxb - I wouldn’t be celebrating if I were you.

Your article states that voting took place in all of Laascaanood (Minus Boocaame and Tukaraq) Taleex and Xuddun districts

AND Ceegaag and Widhwidh of Buhoodle district (In fact most Dulbahanta settlements in Buhoodle district EXCEPT Buuhoodle are taking part).

In the last Presidential Election back in 2010 This was NOT the case.

Our army is also in Hadaaftimo - Where Muuse Biixi made a campaign stop. That is a mere 20 KM from Badhan.

Do you notice the trend.

May it take a few months or several years. We WILL control every inch of Of territory claimed by Somaliland in due course, In Shaah Allah!
No voting is happening in all of xudun and taleh district:mjlol:
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