Madow is Mad at the Somali community

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raali aahaw I samah
You guys are retarded. You shit on maadow people day and night but then get pissed when they say anything back. Zero ability to look and think of it from the other perspective. He's fucking right when he says that Bantus and whatever the f*ck he is are different tribes. Somalis rag on Madows endlessly but can't stand it when they shoot back some standard insults. Shitting on Madows for their hair, noses, and skin but can't tolerate some insults about Somali men being built like goddamn women. I bet less than 10% of the alt-right Abdis talking shit about Madows on the internet can bench press 1 plate. Most Abdis workout for years just to look like a Madow stepping into the gym on his first day.
You guys are retarded. You shit on maadow people day and night but then get pissed when they say anything back. Zero ability to look and think of it from the other perspective. He's fucking right when he says that Bantus and whatever the f*ck he is are different tribes. Somalis rag on Madows endlessly but can't stand it when they shoot back some standard insults. Shitting on Madows for their hair, noses, and skin but can't tolerate some insults about Somali men being built like goddamn women. I bet less than 10% of the alt-right Abdis talking shit about Madows on the internet can bench press 1 plate. Most Abdis workout for years just to look like a Madow stepping into the gym on his first day.
Man you talking like the females. Hiniyo yeelo. Built like a women? Everyone knows how tough geeljires are man and you calling them soft.
Adunka waxa ugu daran rag hor oorda dumarku.
Lol another wanabee mali these Madows need to stop tryna be us love yourself even if you look like a monkey
I was reading the comments and I see people (Somalis) calling west Africans brothers monkeys. Is this really necessary to call our fellow Africans monkeys? Comon isn't this just making us look even more ignorant than the Madow.. Man it's embarrassing.
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